Vol.18 Ch.26: Ben to the Rescue!

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While Nia was bravely confronting Apprentece in Top, Ben was dashing back to lane with all his might. Unfortunately, no matter how much he begged the Druid to move faster, the woodman refused to speed up.

I have to make it! I have to! Ben repeated over and over. The tower was already within sight yet still out of reach. Just a little further...!

But, will he make it in time? The situation wasn't looking so good over there...

Instead of retreating, Apprentece chose to confront Nia at the tower, as expected from that overconfident powerhouse. WHISH! WHISH! After just two hits, Nia fell all the way down to 10%. She was going to die at this rate!

This is bad! So bad! Ben's teeth rattled. He was so close to the scene, yet also so painfully far!

C'mon, let me get there faster! Please! As if responding to his prayers, his Dodge Roll finally came out of cooldown.

Okay, just a little more...! Ben rolled forward!

For a slowpoke class like Druid, even his roll was slower than usual. Nonetheless, it was still a little faster than running, so Ben took advantage of it. Every millisecond countered in this delicate situation.

Almost there...! Ben could already see the light. He was just a few steps away from the tower area, almost ready to provide backup for his ally...!

But, there was no time. Nia had virtually no HP left! If Apprentece chooses to continue this fight, then he'll wipe Nia out in one more hit.

I have to blink. Now! Ben activated the Blink he had recently purchased at the base. He took aim, but he didn't cast the skill just yet. There was a little dilemma in front of him.

Do I blink in and pull the Orc? Ben wondered. If I don't, then he'll likely get away. It'll turn all of Nia's sacrifices into a waste...

Nia went out on a limb to gank Top. She wasted so much of her precious jungling time to help Ben deal with the threat on his lane.

As such, allowing the Orc to get away scot-free will feel terrible. It'll be the same as betraying Nia. All her blood, sweat, and tears will be for nothing.

So yes, it makes the most sense to blink in and pull him. Ben thought as he entered the tower area. In just a few steps, he'll be within range to blink in and pull the cocky Orc deeper into the tower area, sealing the guy's fate.

But... Ben was troubled by one small but very important fact. This won't be the first time he uses Nature's Grasp against Apprentece today.

I've already tried to pull him many times this game. Ben frowned. Every time, it seemed like the right play to go for. The conditions were perfect, and yet...

Not once did Ben manage to land his Nature's Grasp on this cocky foe. Every single time, Apprentece dodged the grab. He was always prepared for it. Always.

Is it going to be the same this time? Ben wondered. He looks preoccupied with Nia, but maybe he has already noticed I'm here. If so, I'm sure he'll dodge my pull again...

Just as last time, Ben might utterly fail to help Nia out with this line of play...

I can't keep repeating the same mistake. Ben thought. I'll play this one safe. Even if we fail to punish Apprentece, at least I can keep Nia alive.

And so, Ben blinked deeper into the tower area. Instead of going for Nature's Grasp, he used Gaia's Protection to grant Nia a shield. And, as he suspected, this turned out to be the right play against Apprentece.

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