Vol.16 Ch.27: Ronald's Unstable Score

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Phew, I escaped damage. Vincent sighed in relief. But, is this what Challenger was hoping I'll do? Or, did I thwart any of his plans? I suppose I'll never know.

With that question still lingering in the air, Vincent made his way back to the minions.

Upon arrival, he found his army devastated. That's to be expected after a meteor-level slam crashed upon them.

And yet, all of them still lived. It was partially thanks to Knight's Chivalry passive that boosted their defense.

As the lord governing this land, it is my duty to protect my soldiers. Vincent puffed his chest despite the fact he didn't lift a finger in that whole ordeal. He passively emitted an aura that granted the defense buff, nothing more.

Jests aside, I must figure out how to proceed from here. Vincent knotted his brows. This is a tricky situation.

Until a few moments ago, Vincent had been in total control of the lane. Chivalry bolstered the defense of his minions by a flat amount, which was incredibly impactful during the early game. It put Vincent ahead in the laning race even without him spending his skills to that end.

However, that fully charged Barbarian Slam changed everything. It dealt enough damage to even the playing field in one fell swoop.

In fact, it did more than evening the odds thanks to the slam's stun effect. If the two of them continue farming this wave with just basic attacks, Challenger shall emerge victorious in this exchange.

However, I also possess a Noble Phantasm that can turn the tides of battle! Vincent declared boldly. It's called Justice of Knighthood - Unstoppable Shield Bash!

Or basically, just Shield Bash. Truly, a name so simplistic it could make one cry. Hopefully, the criminal responsible for approving such a trite skill name was booted out of the design team for committing this atrocity.

But regardless of the terrible name, if I borrow the power of the skill here, then I shall be able to shift the tides of battle in my favor! Vincent proclaimed. What's more, with Justice of Knighthood - Vallant Sword Strike, I may claim further advantage and demolish the enemy's entire lineup!

Honestly, naming the follow-up "Blade Swing" was an even greater crime than the already bad "Shield Bash". It's as if the design team wasn't even trying at this point. Truly, a disgrace to the art of skill naming!

But for better or worse, the terrible skill names did not reflect the skills' actual strength. They were very capable tools that would assist Vincent in gaining a great advantage here!

Alas, he would have to gain said advantage at the expense of throwing away his best escape tool. And, since he executed a Dodge Roll just a second ago, it meant Vincent won't have any means to create distance between himself and his opponent if anything happens.

Though his Barbarian Meteor Slam is off the table for now, I cannot allow myself to be careless. There is always the possibility of him entering Berserk mode and choosing violence.

Even though Barbarian Slam ate away at Challenger's Rage meter, it was a no-brainer for this savage class to refill it. Berserker gained Rage for each strike he delivered and his swings grew faster and faster by the moment. Surely, his Rage meter was shooting through the roof at this very moment.

On top of that, Berserker gained even more Rage from getting hit by enemies. So, in case Vincent unleashes his Justice of Knighthood arts and gains the upper hand in battle, it will result in his minions aggressing on the Berserker and giving him Rage free of charge.

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