Vol.18 Ch.12: A Fearless Professional

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S-So fast! Ben gulped as he observed his lane opponent. The wave has just arrived, but he's already all the way over here!

Apprentece didn't waste any time getting around to Ben's backline. He even spent his Dodge Roll to travel faster.

Before Ben's bowmen even had the chance to nock their arrows, the Orc delivered the first strike! BAM! Apprentece swung a giant sledgehammer, sweeping through the entire backline!

This one hit deleted nearly half of the bowmen's HP, but it wasn't even the full extent of Orc's power. After the initial hit of the Sledgehammer skill, Apprentece's next hammer swing was a basic attack. It deleted the bowmen's remaining HP in one fell swoop.

Every time I see Orc or DK pull things like this, it always feels so absurd... Ben shuddered.

This was the opening of the game, the stage at which all players were supposed to be at their weakest. And yet, Apprentece unleashed such destructive damage as if it was nothing.

Classes like that shattered the game's conventions, and Appretnece made sure to drive this point home. After he erased the backline, he immediately went after the frontline.

"Huh?" Ben blinked. Um, this is weird... right?

There was supposed to be a rather lengthy recovery animation for that sledgehammer basic attack. Yet, Apprentece immediately stepped back after swinging.

Did I see things wrong? Ben blinked repeatedly. He swung the hammer and then backstepped almost immediately. How is that even possible? Oh, maybe it was KC?

Honesty, Ben had very partial knowledge about the Korean Step Cancel. He came across the term multiple times today, both in regard to AbsoluteWinner and Apprentece, but otherwise, Ben had barely ever seen it in action until now.

So, that's what it allows you to do. Ben nodded in understanding. It's just a sidestep that happens in the middle of the recovery animation. Honestly, it looks a little eerie.

The basic attack's recovery animation was cut prematurely, making it look as if the Orc short-circuited in the middle of the motion. For all intents and purposes, it looked like a bug that broke immersion. Yet, for some reason, the devs insisted on keeping this "feature".

Well, it's not my place to judge. I'm sure the devs know better. Ben shrugged. This was not the time to ponder the history of KC. I have to focus on farming.

Ben threw a big seed at one of the enemy swordsmen. This was Druid's basic attack animation, which seemed harmless at first glance... until the oversized seed came down crashing on the victim's head.

Unlike his opponent, Ben didn't take any risks here. He didn't try to optimize his farming by striking the enemy backline or anything like that.

For this difficult matchup, Ben was content with just shooting at the swordsmen. The seeds he tossed struck home, each erasing 5% of a swordsman's HP.

Yes, Ben's basic attacks only deleted 5% HP at a time. Meanwhile, his opponent's attacks? BAM! 60% deleted! BAM! The entire frontline was gone!

Not only did Orc's sledgehammer deliver insane amounts of damage, but it hit in an AoE to boot. Every swing blasted through Ben's entire frontline, deleting tons of HP in one fell swoop.

Ben didn't even have the opportunity to do much here. After firing three basic attacks, he was forced to retreat against the enemy's incoming forces.

I'm going to lose so much farm from this... Ben sighed as he fled from the scene. He had no choice but to return to his tower and confront the incoming minions there.

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story - Part 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora