Vol.15 Ch.32: Figuring Out the Younger Brother

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There! Yuel activated a Geyser Eruption as soon as he spotted the Seraph turning around in panic.

As expected, Winner noticed Vincent's axe in a timely fashion and responded accordingly with a roll. On top of that, despite the obvious panic, Winner managed to execute an optimized roll that kept him out of Lars's sight and also sufficiently far from the rest of Stratus.

Truly, the guy lived up to his title of the "Matrix Convoluter", as dubbed by Vincent. Even during such a difficult moment, Winner found the best spot to roll to.

But, precisely because the play was so highly optimized, it was easier to predict it. There was only one direction in which he could roll in order to satisfy all the conditions, so Yuel targeted that area ahead of time.

Thanks to the foresight, Yuel unleashed Geyser Eruption right at the spot to which Winner rolled!

"Such beautiful execution!" Vincent raved. "You used my axe as a feint to force the enemy into a predictable location! It's simply splendid!"

"Yo, sick knock-up!" Lars followed up on the geyser attack by firing a laser beam high into the air.

Even though this entire set play was a little sudden, there was no way he gonna miss this shot. After all, Last was in first-person mode right now, so this was basically an FPS game! And besides, he was the Gungnir Sniper, yo!

ZAP! The laser beam pierced through the airborne target without any trouble.

This was an exciting development for Lars, no doubt about it. But, for his opponent? Not a very welcome turn of events.

"Tch!" William gritted his teeth. Such an accurate geyser. Was he going for it from the start? And, then there's that immediate follow-up snipe, too. I've never faced anybody who can pull this off so perfectly.

In his analysis of the enemy, it seemed William made one grave miscalculation. Despite the pressure the enemy was definitely feeling, Stratus didn't rush blindly out of a sense of obligation to end the game quickly.

These guys knew the pros and cons of their current tactic and approached the situation methodically. Their shot-caller was already thinking two, maybe three, steps ahead.

This wasn't some blind chaotic aggression. Not, this was a systematically calculated assault. It was apparent that Stratus had the know-how to pull off aggressive plays on such a large scale.

I seem to have underestimated them. William realized.

In his analysis, William only ever thought about how the enemy had to rush to victory and about how they might commit a misplay in their haste. As such, he focused only on looking for weak spots in their formation, without considering the possibility that Stratus was coming into this assault with a proper plan in mind.

If I properly analyzed their positions, I might've figured out what they were planning. Then, I wouldn't have found myself flying in the air like this...

Getting hit by that Geyser Eruption was bad news, extremely bad news. Not only did it render William immobile for the duration of the flight, but it also forcibly altered his position.

Chessmaster made sure to summon that geyser just a little ahead of William's position, to make the eruption knock William backward, closer to the edge of the Golem area. There, the enemy Berserker was already waiting with both axes in the air. He was going to unleash Barbarian Slam right at William's landing location!

Just how many moves ahead did they predict here!? William gritted his teeth. He felt like a puppet dancing to the enemy's tune.

With that said, there was no time to feel frustrated or to admire the enemy's shot-calling skill.

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