Vol.19 Ch.11: Extinguishing Noble Flame

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The volleyball match went on, with the score reaching 16-11 in favor of Fiona's team. It was a large gap in points but her opponents didn't despair. They kept on fighting their best to the bitter end.

"Alright!" Daniella secured a great opportunity to make a clean set. From this position, she had many options available to her.

"You shall give it to me!" Cornelia proclaimed as she dashed toward the net like a bull. The pompous girl insisted on spiking every single ball by herself.

Admittedly, despite the girl's self-centered attitude, it was undeniable that the team scored many of its points thanks to Cornelia's powerful spikes. Despite their dodgy aim, these spikes were actually the most reliable weapon the team had for breaking through the enemy's defense.

And so, once again, Daniella tossed the ball toward the net in Cornelia's direction. "Alright, take it!"

"But of course!" Cornelia treated this as a given. After all, it was her noble duty to personally handle every attack.

And, naturally, most of her spikes scored points for the team, as expected from a noble. The enemy blockers couldn't handle Cornelia's noble spikes even when they got into position in time!

Though, there was just one tiny little exception to the rule. At one point in the game, Karen flew into the scene out of nowhere and successfully blocked off one of Cornelia's best spikes!

It was an unbelievable incident. Daniealla's set was quite perfect there and Cornelia's form did not have any flaws either, yet the attack got stopped anyhow.

Yes, that fake "Landberht" somehow put a stop to Cornelia's powerful attack! The nerve of that commoner...!

To make things worse, Daniella scolded Cornelia harshly for the outcome, insisting that Cornelia should have played around the block instead of challenging Karen head-on. And, perhaps that was true.

To make up for that failure, Cornelia started employing her alternative spiking technique more frequently. She didn't like using it much because it was difficult, error-prone, and sometimes resembled the act of "running away" from the real challenge.

Nonetheless, it was an effective type of spike that no opponent here had stopped thus far. Even Karen failed to block it, a fact that naturally brought a smile to Cornelia's face.

This spike was a special technique Cornelia inherited from a former senior. She poured much of her noble sweat into polishing the niche technique to its current level.

It was a technique best used sparsely, so Cornelia made sure to mix it in between her regular spikes every now and then. And, it seemed as if the time to utilize it had come once again.

As Cornelia was getting closer to the ball, she noticed that an enemy blocker had already gotten in position. And, this was no ordinary blocker. It was none other than the real Landberht scion in the flesh!

Oh, how long have I waited for this moment! Cornelia grinned madly. At long last, I have earned the opportunity to challenge you directly!

Until now, it was mostly the lowly servants who had been handling the blocking on Fiona's team. The noblewoman herself only rarely stepped onto the frontline. But, at long last, she was here!

Try to stop me if you can! Cornelia channeled more strength than ever into her arm. I shall bust right through your noble defense and prove that I'm the queen of this court!

In response, the gallant blocker jumped up to seal off Cornelia's path. Her movements were swift but refined. Fiona's defensive form left no holes. It felt impossible to penetrate that perfection via brute force alone. Most likely, even Cornelia's powerful spike won't be able to accomplish that.

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