Vol.15 Ch.13: How to Become a Fearsome Jungler

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Dang, these guys are sick! Ronald grinned as he fled for his life. No idea how the heck they knew I'll be coming here, but no biggie. I mean, it's just the DK chasing me. The Elf is way too far to hit-

ZAP! A laser beam penetrated Ronald's skull. It was a headshot!

"For real!?" Ronald exclaimed. From that far!? Did this guy just headshot me from like half a jungle away!?

There was no time to turn around and confirm Gunz's current position, but surely the guy couldn't have moved too far away from his previous position, not while using Elven Sight. That first-person mode cut down the player's Movement Speed by like 80%, so Gunz was practically rooted in place while sniping.

So yeah, bruh literally sniped me from like 5 kilometers away. Word. Ronald smiled nervously. And of course, my defense is trash right now because I built power items like a real man. So, these damn snipes hurt, dang it!

Each of the Elf's laser beams erased nearly 10% of Ronald's HP. And, combined with the Dark Blast that hit him earlier, Ronald had already lost a whopping 50% of his HP!

Yes, he lost all that just for setting foot in enemy territory for half a second! It was crazy!

But, I'm okay. No problem. Ronald took a deep breath. I just gonna take that corner over there, then it'll be impossible to snipe me no matter how good Gunz is. Ezpz.

And so, Ronald moved around the corner. This maneuver slowed down his escape a little but it was worth it. Now, the jungle walls were going to shelter him from any further snipes, so he was safe.

Okay, so that's that. Ronald sighed in relief. Man, they sure had me for a moment there, but I've escaped! Hell yeah!

The Elf could no longer snipe him, and the Dark Knight couldn't possibly chase him down considering how slow that bulky knight was. So, at this rate, Ronald will be back to safety in no time- CLACK. CLACK. CLACK.

"Excuse me...?" Ronald raised an eyebrow. For some reason, the metallic stomping of the Dark Knight sounded way closer than it should have been.

But, it was impossible. That heavyweight bruh should've fallen behind a long time ago.

What gives? I mean, I know my Cryo isn't the fastest bruh out there, but it sure as hell faster than DK-

SLASH! A dark blade assaulted Ronald from behind!

"For real!?!?!!?" Ronald shouted. He caught up!? How?! Did he buy Sprint or something!?

Ronald quickly pressed TAB and scanned the enemy data, all the while running away from the threat breathing down his neck. It was a little dangerous to multitask like this during such a critical moment, but no problem! Ronald was a pro, so he could focus both on running away and reading data, all at the same time! Yeah, he was definitely ready for the pro scene, no doubt about it.

Wait, did this guy just build Wind Blade? On DK??? I don't even... Ronald was speechless. How is this a build that even remotely makes any sense???

That was nonsense at its finest. And yet, this Memer burh legit built Wind Blade on his Dark Knight. That's how he was able to keep up with Ronald's Cryomancer despite his lower base Movement Speed.

So wait, are you telling me he's straight-up faster than me right now? Ronald laughed dryly. Fuuuuu! I should've shot him then! Well, it's not too late to do it now!

He turned around and fired a basic attack at his pursuer. Doing so slowed down his escape immensely, but it was for the greater good.

Thanks to Frostbite, Cryomancer's passive, the ice shard Ronald fired was imbued with a slowdown effect. Sure, it wasn't going to cause a huge slowdown, but it should be enough to get that dang Dark Knight off Ronald's case.

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