Vol.17 Ch.35: The Unstoppable Challenger!

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Challenger's fierce offense wasn't slowing down, and Nia found herself helpless against it. The attack caught her off guard. She lost almost all her HP while trying to get away.

It feels like she was distracted by something else when it happened. Yuel thought. If she paid attention, she should've realized that I was nearby. Then, she could've positioned herself a lot better. Or, maybe she was just nervous?

It was impossible to tell at this point. Either way, the fact remained that Nia only focused on creating distance between herself and the unexpected predator. She didn't try getting closer to Yuel at all, which made it difficult for him to rescue her.

Ugh, I can't save her from here. Yuel concluded. "Lars, rotate over here!"

"Heh, I knew you gonna say that, dude!" Lars exclaimed. "Already on my way!"

"Good." Yuel nodded. "Kai, Ben. I'd like you to rotate toward Mid along this path." He drew a route on the mini-map.

"Got it."


"Okay." Yuel took a deep breath. "Nia, I'm sorry to say this, but your chances of surviving this are very low. So, the best you can do right now is fight back and injure him as much as possible."

"O-Ok..." Nia reluctantly flipped a switch in her brain. Instead of focusing 100% on escaping, she turned toward the predator and slashed back.

Her Shadow Clone and Izuna Drop were already on cooldown before any of this started, and she had also spent her Shuriken Flip a few moments ago. Heck, even her Dodge Roll was on cooldown. So, all she had left were basic attacks.

It's like he waited for the best moment to attack me. Bully! Nia pouted. Did he stalk me or something? Scary.

Challenger really caught her at the most awkward moment possible. She used to think of the guy as easy prey for her ganks, but it turned out Challenger could be one heck of a scary predator himself.

SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! The exchange of blows continued for a while longer. Nia swang her dagger as much as she could, trying to leave as many injuries as possible on her opponent.

Alas, the end was nigh.

『You have been killed!』

"Game over..." Nia twisted her lips in dissatisfaction. She knew her fate was sealed for a while now, but the outcome still upset her.

Just losing a fight against Challenger was still fine. But, dying and allowing the enemy to shrink the score gap wasn't cool. Now, Stratus was only one kill ahead of the enemy.

My poor two-kill advantage... This felt like a personal attack against Nia in every way. Not only did Challenger target her specifically, but he also made sure to eliminate the firm advantage Nia established during mid-game.

Fortunately, even though it was clear how impossible it was to save Nia, Yuel still dashed to the scene. So, the entire time that Challenger and Nia were locked in a fight, Yuel also fired shots at Challenger from behind.

No matter how skilled Challenger was at his best, it was impossible for him to duel Nia and dodge Yuel's shots at the same time. As a result, the guy sustained hefty damage from the entire exchange.

When he initially approached Nia, Challenger was at 80% HP. But now, thanks to the combined efforts of Yuel and Nia, the guy was down to 50%.

It should've been lower than that. Yuel thought. He's such an aggressive player, yet he built his Dragonborn rather tanky.

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