Vol.16 Ch.16: Matthew's Neutral Stance

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"Do I need to remind you that we're supposed to be regional champions? Even if you don't care about public opinion, the coach sure does."

There was some undeniable truth in William's argument. Rodriguez droned a lot about the importance of maintaining a favorable public image as the "representatives of the region". So, besides just winning, the Leopards were supposed to serve as a role model for other teams in the region, or something.

As such, delivering a passive victory here might not be good enough in Rodriguez's book. He might interpret it as the team's lack of confidence in their own ability.

But, what's wrong with that? Cato questioned. All that matters is the end result. We should strive to increase our chances of winning no matter how it makes us look. That's just basic logic.

For as long as Cato remembered himself, he had always lived at the receiving end of the audience's ridicule. Even when he won games in chess, the crowd didn't sing him any praises. In fact, some even expressed signs of contempt and disgust toward his tactics.

But, I've never thought of it as a problem. Cato reminisced. Seeking recognition was never the point for me. I'm not some clown whose job is to entertain the ungrateful audience.

However, things were a little different in Classmancers. Here Cato wasn't playing alone, therefore also had the rest of the team to consider, as well as the coach.

So, while Cato had no problem "looking bad" for the sake of securing a passive victory, what would Rodriguez think of this approach? And, what did the rest of the team think?

"Sonya, which camp are you in?" Cato asked.

"Your camp, I suppose," Sonya answered. "What you've just explained reminded me why we put aside the option of overwhelming Top. I agree that we should proceed slowly and steadily here to not give the enemy any openings. One mistake can cost us the entire game against their hyperbole aggression."

"Are you sure you're not overcompensating there?" William asked. "Just because you made a mistake in Top last game and that cost us a lot, it doesn't mean that's something that'll repeatedly happen. Not to mention, it'll be Ron playing Top next, not you."

"But, the possibility of something like that happening again isn't off the table," Soyna insisted. "Stratus's offense turned out to be much fiercer, much more calculated than what we saw in their previous scrim."

"Yes, they've clearly improved in that department. Fair enough." William nodded. "I get where you're coming from but I still think you're overcompensating, so I'd let Ron try playing aggressively."

"In short," Cato summarized. "It seems like we're split into 2v2. We need a tie-breaker here and there are only 10 seconds on the clock. Matt, quick! Decide our fate!"

"Huh?" Matthew made a face. "Me? Why?"

"There's no time! Pronto, young man! Which side are you on!?"

"Eeeeeh..." Keep me out of this, please.

"C'mon, Matt!" Ronald urged as well. "Lemme have Berserker! We're homies, right? Right!?"

"So loud..." Ronald covered his ears. "I don't care either way. Just give him what he wants if that makes him shut up. It's not like either option sounds particularly better than the other."

"Okay, you heard the man!" Ronald grinned confidently. "Gimme what I want, bruh!"

"Fine, fine..." Cato sighed in defeat and picked Berserker with 2 seconds on the clock.

It would've been less stressful for him if he picked a class for another role first. That would've postponed the dilemma of Top Lane for later.

But, Cato didn't want to lose his initiative in this drafting phase. After all, the drafting phase of the previous game decided more than 50% of that game's outcome, so Cato had to make sure he wins the drafting phase this time no matter what.

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