The Big Move part 4

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It's been a week seen's that happened and Snows friends stayed on some nights at her house which made her super happy because her and her friends didn't know when they would see each other again so to make Snow happy they let her friends do that as. Snow was packing some of her last stuff she realized that she never told her friend about her secret that she is not human but a vampire as crazy as that sounds but she didn't want to lose her only friend but Snow thought about it and on the last day she will call her friend and tell her. Snow are you in there she heard someone call from the other side of the door yeah I am in here come in as she said that one of her other friends who she know longer then Emma when Snow realized that she has been there for her through the good and bad shit in her life she said to herself that she will tell her.  Girl we need to talk she said her friend looked at her confused but also worried because Snow had a scared look on her face what is it girl Snow want to close the door and said I think you should set down for this and her friend did she set down on Snows bed then she set beside her and besides if  things go bad he can just erase her memory but she never did it to the people. She cared for Snow took a deep breath and started talking girl I want you to listen because I don't have much time before my parents return her friend just nodded her head so I been keeping a secret for a long time and I need to tell you before I leave this city Snow took a deep breath and let it out. I am not a normal girl I know it's going to be hard to believe but I am I am a vampire I been for a while I was born like this then Snow continued the story of her life she looked at her friend seeing a smirk on her face so she asked what's with the smirk and she could tell that her friend wanted to laugh girl you really think I will believe that then her friend saw a sad look on Snows face ok fine if you think your a vampire show me Snows eyes want wide but. She agreed so she stood up and said ok I well but promise you won't freak out her friend looked at her ok I promise then Snow did something a vampire should not do and showed what she could do her friends eyes want as big as a plate she couldn't believe that all this time vampires did really walk amongst humans and after calming down she asked b but how I thought you need blood to live and burn in the sun and don't have a reflection. Snow laughed a little nope half of those stuff is made up I hope you still want to be friends but if you don't I understand  her friend came over and hugged her of course I still want to be friends she said Snow smiled then her friend asks who else's knows about you and your family Snow put her head down and said only you because I had to erase my other friends memories her friend looked shocked but understood where she was coming from then the girls started packing. Snows mind however was not on her packing and figuring out where the rest of the stuff want but mostly on telling her friend Emma about it before she left which would not be easy she has never kept  secret from her before besides the vampire one so she was nervous after a couple minutes want by her friend who she told had to go home. Snow said bye and want back in her room seen's her and her friend finished all she had to do is wait for her friend to get her and think about what she was going to tell her.

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