The Big Truth part 5

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As Snow was laying on her bed she heard the house bell ring and she got up and want downstairs to greet her friend after she opened the door for Emma the two girls want upstairs into Snow's empty room wow the room is empty Emma said Snow just nodded her head then there was silence for a while. I-I need to tell you something Snow said Emma looked at her strangely what could her best friend possibly want to tell her that made her look so worried Emma set down on the floor and so did Snow so girl what do you have to tell me Emma asked with curiosity. Snow turned her head towards the floor you know how we don't keep secrets from each other Emma looked at her and said yeah I know what are you saying Snow gulped feeling her stomach tighten up I am saying that there is something that I haven't told anyone before and seen's I am moving I thought it would be a good time to do that Emma looked at Snow and she could tell by her eyes that her friend was hurt but she thought it would be better to lose her friend during the move rather then in her day to day life. So what's the big secret Emma asked you know how every time on Halloween you ask us to try and find monsters with you Emma nodded her head yeah I do but what does that have to do with that Snow looked nervous again well it's the fact that I am a vamp Emma looked at her face going pale wait a second vamp stands for vampire a-a are you a vampire. Snow nodded her head nervous more then before about hearing her friends response because this would determine if they well stay friends or not then Emma answered with this thattttt is ssooo cool Snow felt herself  breath  a  sigh of relief you really mean that girl Snow asked and Emma hugged her of course I mean it why would you think. I would react badly Snow put her head down after Emma let go of the hug it's just all my past friends did and I had to erase their memory's Emma give Snow a tight hug again and said well you don't need to do that with me Snow was glad to hear that after going through  so many friends then her and Emma called there other friend and they all hanged out before she had to  move later that day they watched movies ate popcorn and played a few games like truth or dare, hide and seek outside and swim in the pool. Snows parents even let them order pizza and Starbucks as the friends where having fun the parents walked outside for a walk she is going to miss them a lot Snows mom said Snows dad squeezed his wife's hand I know she will my dear but she well see them again. Snows mom sighed I know but we will still be far  away Snows dad know his wife had a point but he said she can take the private plane that made his  wife smile back to the teenagers they where having fun asking Snow a lot of stuff about what is true and what isn't she honestly didn't mind being asked so many questions because it never happened to her before after a few hours though her parents walked in and. Snow said hey to them her parents asked her how is everything going she said it was fine and that she was having fun then her mom said sweetie I am glad your having fun but we have to leave now. Snow was sad but she said ok and then they all want downstairs and said goodbye to her and here family saying that there secret well stay safe with them and that we will all see each other again as Snow got into the limo she felt the limo start moving as they where driving she saw a sign that said airport and after being a little spaced out she said new place new life lets see how this goes. 

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