Beach Walk And A Question part 13

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It was a nice sunny day and Snow and Hunter planned a beach day but Hunter planned something his girlfriend wasn't expecting he of course asked her parents for approval first which was not to hard to get seen's her parents loved him. Today was the day that he could ask her to be his bride he was really nervous and hoped she says yes but he had a feeling that she would back in Snow's house she was packing for the beach but the beach they where going to is a private one and they would be staying in one of Hunters family's properties and she know that so she packed a lot of clothes they where staying there for a week as. She was putting the last piece of clothing in the bag Snow heard a knock on the door come in she didn't turn around then felt arms around her hey baby ready to go Snow turned yes my darling just need to close my bag then they want downstairs and made there way to the car Hunter put the bags in the trunk as Snow waited inside the car in her head she thought god he is so cute but her thoughts got interrupted by Hunter walking into the car. Ready to go babe she took his hand and said yes I am let's go and with that they started driving to the beach house after a couple hours on the road they finally arrived at the beach house it was close to sunset the beach house was pretty far away he looked at Snow she was asleep he gently shock her baby we are her wake up she woke up still half asleep seen's he didn't want to wake her up fully he got out of the car and want to her door he gently unbuckled her seatbelt and picked her up in his arms. He started to carry her to the house as soon as he walked in he gently walked up the stairs and placed her in the bed of the room they where staying in then he left to the car to get the bags after he was finished  getting all the bags he locked the door and walked upstairs he was sweating a lot so he took a shower after he did so he changed and want to bed setting the alarm for the next day. As the alarm want off he woke up and looked over at Snow and she was still asleep he kissed her cheek and want downstairs he wanted to make pancakes for her and bring her breakfast in bed he know that her favorite types of pancakes where the chocolate onces. So he started to make them and for the finishing touch he cut the strawberries and put it around the plate and with chocolate syrup he wrote love you babe on them she is going to love them he put them on a tray and started taking them up to the room they both shared as he put it on the nightstand he gently woke her up baby time to wake up Snow gently opened her eyes m-morning my love what time is it he looked at his phone and said it's 10:30am baby looked what I made you as she set up he put the tray on the bed as Snow looked at what he made her my love this looks amazing but you know you didn't have to do this for me Hunter set on the bed beside her yes I did you deserve this baby you're amazing and I am lucky to have you in my life she smiled and kissed him before starting to eat her breakfast. As she was eating Hunter said what do you want to do for the day baby when she was done jawing she said I would love for us to go for a swim besides there are some new bikini's I want to try on Hunter was blushing at this point and said that sounds like a good idea honey after she was done eating Hunter took the tray kissed her on the lips and want downstairs as he did Snow started to get dressed for the day then want to brush her teeth seen's she ate and want downstairs Hunter was waiting for here on the couch she want to him and set down he put his arms around her. I love you honey he said and she snuggled into his chest I love you too baby they watched a movie on the couch waiting for the day to become lunch so they would go swimming seen's it was the best time for the water to be warm when that time came they want to get changed and grab there towels and other stuff and took the stairs to the beach it was a private beach so there would be no people on it as Snow put there blanket down and then there towels on top Hunter set up the umbrella after he was done he walked over to where she was which was on the other side of the blanket but before he could get there she started running towards the water yelling you can't caught me. Hunter laughed and started running after her I bet I can he chased after her both of them laughing through it all like they where in high school again after a while he caught her by the waist spinning her around got you babe she laughed wrapping her arms around him both smiling you cheated she said through her laughter nope I am just really fast in that moment Snow felt really happy and he was the reason for onces in her vampire life she felt happy what do you say about going for a swim she smiled and nodded her head as Hunter let her down he took her hand and they started walking to the water. As they reached it they walked deeper until it was up to there necks he lifted her up in his arms again and spin her around with her laughing he loved making her laugh and smile babe put me down she laughed but he just kissed her cheek nope I like holding you that made her smile after a while he put her down and they swim and dived down after an hour they got out of the water and raced to get the towels he took hers and put it around her and then his they set down enjoying the sound of the sea as they ate there food that they made earlier for the beach as the sun started to go down he said hey baby take a walk with me she smiled and stood up giving him enough time to grab the ring and put it in his pocket of his water trunks and he took her a little far from the blanket but before they got to that spot he turned to her and said close your eyes baby she smiled and closed them he took both of her hands leading her just a little further you can open them now as she did. She saw a beautiful heart made out of sea shells and asked Hunter what is this it looks amazing then he took her hands Snow we been dating for a very long time and I couldn't  imagine spending my life with anyone but you then he bend down on one knee Snow would you make me the luckiest vampire guy and marry me Snow put her hand to her mouth and said yes yes I well be your bride Hunter he smiled and put the ring on her finger then he stood up she wrapped her arms around him he kissed her on the lips and spin her around again at that moment they both know that there future well be bright and full of happiness. 

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