Unknown Feelings part 10

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It was late at night Snow was laying in bed not able to sleep seen's she couldn't sleep she decided to go out for  walk and maybe even for a hunt so she dressed up warm and want out sneaking out but before she could fully be out the door she got caught by her mom sweetheart where are you going Snow gulped just out for a walk her mom give her a look. I know your not just going out for a walk what's wrong Snow didn't want to tell her mom so she just said ok I am not I might go hunting for her luck her  mother believed her ok but be careful Snow just nodded her head and want out the door she speed up to the graveyard taking a breath  of fresh air when she got there. She was wondering why she was feeling like this whenever she is around him her heart beat  speeds up she walked to the tree that was in the graveyard and it was kinda hard to miss because it was the only one in the whole graveyard she set down and was enjoying the night sky as. She set there she heard a noise she stood up and  want to see what it was and seen's she was a vampire she didn't have to worry about being hurt seen's her wounds heal fast what she saw shocked her it was Hunter feeding on a persons blood she couldn't believe he was just like her but the reason she was shocked is because usually she was able to sense another supernatural creatures and she couldn't sense him which is weird H-Hunter is that you he turned to her and he was about to run before she stopped him why didn't you tell me. Hunter looked at the ground then at her and took her hands I didn't want to scare you then she smirked you didn't scare me I actually have a secret of my own Hunter looked at her confused then she showed her eyes to him y-you are just like me. She nodded her head then he asked her the most unexpected thing ever Hunter said would you go out with me she thought about it for a second and said yes but on one condition he looked at her what is it she just smiled and said we keep it a secret from the school just our family's well know Hunter nodded in agreement so they want back to the tree and started talking and getting to know more about each other also it's been a 3 months seen's that project had happened that's another reason why. She said yes to dating him because if it was a short time she would have said no as the night was drifting into morning Hunter and Snow started walking hand in hand back to her house both with smiles on there faces as they where walking though Snow heard her phone ring they stopped and Hunter said you should answer it babe that made her blush no one has ever called her babe but she did what he said and answered because she know that it was probably her mom calling and she was right. Snow put the phone to her ear hey mom what's up Snow said her mom answered with a where are you sweetheart she answered her mom back and hanged up the phone smiling at her boyfriend as they started walking again looking at the beautiful view around them Snow decided to ask out of curiosity hey babe I was wondering are your parents vampires or only you he smiled at how cute she can be and said no they are also vampires Snow smiled at that thinking in her head maybe his parents know mine but also probably not as they got back to the house Hunter kissed Snow a goodbye kiss on the lips and waving goodbye as she closed the door making her way quietly up to her room with a smile on her face as she got to her room she laid down in her bed and set her alarm texting Hunter goodnight before putting her phone on the night stand and falling asleep. 

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