New School New Crush part 7

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The next day as Snow woke up to her alarm she started doing her usual morning routine to get ready she packed all her school stuff and want down to eat breakfast  usually she ate it in bed but today was the first day and it would be to messy she had to get there early that she can learn her way around as she want down she was grated by her parents how did you sleep sweetheart her mother asked her as Snow set down at the table she answered. I slept pretty good  Snow answered her mom both her parents smiled after she finished she grabbed her stuff kissed her parents goodbye and want out to the car even though her parents instated for her to go in the limo that she can secure her spot in the school but Snow had another idea in mind for that. When she was driving she got a call from her friends and  seen's she had Bluetooth in her car she was not putting herself in danger when she reached her school she said goodbye to her friends and she turned her ringer off that it doesn't go off in class after getting out of her car and locking it she made her way inside the school was really big so she tried to find a teacher to point her to the office well trying to find one. She bumped into someone owe I am sorry Snow said as she looked at the person there stood a boy with tattoos and blond hair the tattoo he had was a cross then after she stood up he said watch where you are going loser Snow could tell by the way he talked that he was a bad boy before she could speak a girl came and said leave the girl alone before I punch you and the guy left without saying anything. Snow guested that it was not worth his time thank you Snow said the girl looked at her and said no problem I never seen you  her before  are you new Snow nodded her head the girl reached out her hand my name is Sophie then she did too to  shake it then said my name is Snow the two girls smiled and then Sophie asked so what are you looking for Snow was kinda embarrassed but she said that it was the office then Sophie lead her there. She want inside as her new friend was waiting outside when she reached the front desk a lady asked her how can I help you miss Snow answered with a I am new her and don't have my schedule yet the lady smiled and said are you Snow by any  chance which she nodded her head too the lady told her to wait and want into another part of the office when she came back she headed Snow her timetable she thanked her and want outside to meet up with Sophie there was a little time left before the bell ring so the girls want over the timetable and surprisingly they had every class together which is very rare to happen. As the bell ring the girls started walking to class together getting to know each other as they reached there class the teacher stopped the two girls who is this young miss her the teacher asked before Snow could say anything Sophie spoke she is new miss her friend answered the teacher smiled and said what is your name dear and she told her the teacher give Snow the stuff that they have been doing lately and then told the two girls to take a  seat where they would like as the  girls seat down the bell ring meaning that class was starting there was two bells one was a warning bell and the other one was the real one seen's Snow was setting beside her new friend she told  her where they had left off last time then when the teacher said that she is going to go over attendance both girls stopped talking to listen for there names in the middle of the attendance the boy that Snow had bumped into this morning had walked in sorry I am late teach. The teacher just told him to set down Snow just rolled her eyes but at the same time she was curious about how can he be so rude so she decided that during lunch time she well ask her new friend about him after a few hours passing it was finally lunch time so the girls made there way to the lunch room and they found a table in the corner Snow suggested they set there because there was something private she wanted to ask her Sophie agreed and they want to that table setting down as they opened there lunch box Sophie spoke so what is it that you wanted to ask me she said. Snow was chewing so after she was done she said what is up with that boy with the cross tattoo when she asked that Sophie almost chocked on her food but still answered her he is the bad boy every girl wants him he is on the football team and the captain of it he is also the hottest person in school and his parents are loaded my advice to you is stay away from him Snow was not surprised and she asked out of curiosity does she have a girlfriend Sophie just laughed  after she was done she said no his ex girlfriend is however trying to still get him back but the rumor around school is that he is not interested in her then Snow started laughing and her new friend  followed  after lunch the two girl want to al there classes and before they know it the school day was over. Snow asked her new friend if she had a girl and she said no so she offered to drive her which her friend kindly said yes to after she dropped her new friend off she drove home when she got home she waked through the door going to the leaving room where she had a good feeing her parents would be and she was right she set down and answered any questions they may have had after that she want up to her room to call her friends and then did her normal night routine.   

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