Sleepover And Secrets part 11

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It was a weekend and Snow was shopping with her friend in the mall as they where shopping she saw a jewelry store but it mostly had rings she smiled then Sophie turned to her and said hey want to have a sleepover Snow just looked at her and said yeah sure let me call my mom and tell her so she did. In her contacts she searched for  mom onces she found it she clicked on it and it started ringing onces her mom picked up she said hey mom  can my friend Sophie stay for a sleepover seen's it's the weekend on the other end of the line she thought about it and said ok sweetheart but be careful Snow just said ok and hanged up looking at Sophie yeah we can girl then the girls decided to go get some snacks before heading back home. Snow and Sophie decided in the car to drive to Sophie's house first that she can pick up her stuff then they well go to Snows house so when they reached the house Sophie told Snow to wait in the car for her she just agreed in the time that she was waiting she called her boyfriend also known ass Hunter he picked up the phone saying hey babe how are you she smiled and said back I am good just giving you a heads up that Sophie is staying for a sleepover Hunter was thinking in his head she probably didn't tell her about us it then he said alright my love. I hope you have fun and that your both safe she smiled and before she could say anything else she saw Sophie coming out of her house and quickly said I have to go my love she is coming out Hunter said I love you babe talk later when she is asleep Snow replied with a I love you too and alright bye love and she hanged up by the time she did Sophie got into the car she asked who where you talking to girl Snow just  made something up. I was talking to my mom Sophie eyed her as she drove to her house Sophie had a feeling that Snow was not being honest so she made a plan to stay up and listen in on her next call as they got to her house both girls want to the movie theater room and watched a movie the maid put all the snacks that the two girls bought into balls and put it on a try and give it to the girls the movie they where watching was a scary one sometimes the girls jumped because there was jump scares in it. After they where done they took the snacks and want to Snows room the girls later told scary stories and funny onces by the end both girls where laughing on the floor but they where setting by the fire place she had in her room on the carpet as the night fall upon the sky the two girls decided it was time to go to bed but little did Snow know that her friend Sophie wasn't going to bed either she waited for an hour and in Sophie's head she was thinking jeez when is she going to call this person. A little more time want by and she heard Snow's voice saying hey baby so she tried to stay awake and listen more on the other end of the phone Hunter was saying I miss you baby girl is there anyway you can sneak out Snow smiled and said I can try darling then they both came up with a plain and she got dressed and quietly sneak out of the room but Sophie quietly followed her and seen's she thought she was asleep she didn't focus her ears to listen or it. She sneak out the door and made her way to the graveyard where they first meet and through everything her friend was following her she sneak behind one of the gravestones but she would still see her and who ever she was meeting as the person came out from the shadows he put his hands on her eyes and said guess who beautiful snow smiled and took his hands and had him put his hands around her waist and turned in his arms my beautiful boyfriend as her friend saw who she was kissing her jaw dropped she couldn't believe it she quietly walked away and seen's the two lovebirds where to busy making out she was able to go unheard as she made it to the road she typed Snow's address in her phone and started walking back to the house and pretending.  She didn't see anything because she thought that Snow was just going through a phase so she didn't let it get to her  little did she know it was not and that her friend was dating him for a long time as she got back to Snow's house she sneak in and made her way to her bedroom and want to bed and left her clothes the way they where so her friend wouldn't find out that she followed her after she got back then she want to bed.

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