Telling My Friend part 15

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Snow was out for a walk and then she heard her phone ring it was Hunter hey baby what's up she answered he smiled on the other side of the phone. I am just checking up on you honey today is the day after all she know that he was right today was the day she was going to come clean to her friend about how her and Hunter are getting married I know baby and I was actually making my way over there now Hunter smiled  good luck honey hope everything goes ok then they hanged up the phone Snow making her way over to Sophie's house nervous about what her best friend well say as she was playing the events in her head her mind was going crazy she know that she was just worried. As she got to the door she knocked and her best friends mom  came out hey dear Snow smiled hi I was wondering is Sophie in her mother moved and positioned her hand letting her know that yes she is and that she can come in as she stepped through the door and took her shoes of Sophie's mom said she is in her room dear so she started to make her way up there Snow knocked of course and her friend answered hey girl what are you doing here.  Snow's eyes want to the floor and said with a twist in her stomach can we talk Sophie let her in and set her down on the bed what is it that you need to tell me Snow tried to look anywhere in the room but her friend but she know deep in her heart that her friend shouldn't be kept in the  dark about this after all this only happens onces in a persons life girl you know how you found out about me and Hunter her friend nodded yes but what does this have to  do with him did he hurt you Snow laughed and answered with a giggle in her voice. No he didn't hurt me actually he proposed to me her friends eyes want wide she didn't realize that Snow and Hunter where that serious she thought that they would go and then they would break up the realization of that hit her like a brick girl I am really happy for you and if he really is the person you want to be with I will support you and your wishes that made Snow smile and both girls hugged when  they pulled away Sophie asked jokily I am invited right both girls started laughing. Of course girl you are my maid of honor after all Sophie couldn't believe her ears she was going to be a maid of honor for someone seen's Sophie was an only child the chance of that happening was a zero so that made her happy what are we waiting for then let's go and start planning your wedding Sophie grabbed her paper and clipboard and the girls where off the first store they hit was the dress store the same one that Snow bought her wedding dress from then the two girls checked out the locations with Hunter tagging along for that part after all it was supposed to be both of the couples choice after looking at many they choice the place and the lady want to get the paperwork that Snow and Hunter could sign to clam there spot for there wedding. Hunter held Snow's hand this place is prefect baby  she nodded her head yes it is after they where done signing they want to there event  after they where done there was a small milkshake place they used to go as high schoolers so they want in and ordered there usual as they ate, drink and laughed they remembered the good memories of there high schools but Sophie felt deep in her heart that life well never be the same so she proposed a sleepover with all three of them so when they got back they set up in the big leaving room of Snow's house with a fireplace they even picked up some alcohol and cards that are a drinking game. As they played the game Sophie said this well be the last time seen's we see each other for a while all three of them know that they all hugged after that Hunter pulled out his speaker and they each took turns picking the music they wanted to listen to after the music they put on some netflix on the big big tv in the room  that they where sleeping in they where watching a scary movie Snow was cuddling with Hunter and Sophie was covering herself with a blanket in scary parts after 1 hour because the movie was long she is asleep Hunter looked over looks like it they laid down and turned the tv off going to bed sleep taking over both of them.   

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