Accidental Fall part 9

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Snow was in her house waiting for Hunter to get her and start the school project the project was to pick a problem in the world that they could solve and they picked ocean pollution. Snow was searching on her computer when she heard a door bell go of she was thinking that it was Hunter who arrived so she started making her way downstairs seeing Hunter was waiting at the door inside the house her maid turned to her and asked miss do you know this person Snow was planning on saying no as a joke but thought against it. So Snow said yes I do we got paired up for a school project the maid smiled at her and said do you want anything like popcorn or any snacks Snow shook her head and said not right now thank you and with that the maid walked away and Hunter looked at her with wide eyes and with a smirk on his face said wow I didn't know you where rich just like me at that. Snow laughed why do you think that Hunter just looked at the floor and said because you don't dress in designer clothing like some of the girls who are rich at the school Snow wanted so badly to be pissed but she remind calm it's because I choice not to I do have designer clothes in my closet but it's not for everyday Hunter was impressed by her words. He never meet a girl who was rich and didn't show it off then Snow was making her way up the stairs to her room and he followed but as Snow was checking her phone to see if her friends texted her she ended up missing the step and falling backwards Hunter quickly caught her by the waist and said wow be careful and don't you know not to walk up the stairs while looking at the phone at the same time. Snow and Hunter both felt something then when they touched but that feeling quickly want away as Snow got back up and said with a little snap in her voice yeah I know and thanks for catching me Hunter just smiled after they got to her room they set down on the floor in this project they had to do a poster so they choice a green poster board hunter printed out the pictures and Snow wrote the paper and printed it out now all they really had to do is figure out where to put it on the poster board. Hunter  kept looking at Snow and said what about we put the stuff in a line and the words underneath it snow agreed but said what about the sign then they both had a great idea of flipping it over then Snow took out her pencil and started to make a sign above it when she was down she outlined it with  a  black pen and coloured it with markers then. Snow asked Hunter after they where done with the poster board are you  hungry he turned his head away from the project and looked up yeah I am with that she want downstairs to ask the maid for some snacks as Hunter stayed up in her room he was thinking in his head why  did I feel a warm feeling when I caught her I can't be catching feeling  again can I but before he could let his thoughts rumble on Snow walked back into the room seeing hunters pale face hey you ok your face looks like you just saw ghost he just said in a calm as possible voice yeah I am fine. She looked at him not believing anything he said but she decided to drop it after all he is a grown man and he can take care of himself they both looked bored so Snow suggested what abut we ask each other questions Hunter just nodded and before they know it the maid has brought the pizza and popcorn before she left she said enjoy you two they thanked her and started eating as they where doing that Hunter spoke up. So your not like the girl I expected you to be Snow just eyed him what do you mean what did you expected me to be like Hunter know he had to be careful with his words just a lot of girls I meet at our school are always rude and even if they are rich they still only want money Snow looked  at him and said that's horrible I am sorry. Hunter looked at her and said what do  you have to be sorry about you  wouldn't have known Snow just give him a hug and he accepted it after they where done eating  they put the project on the table and want downstairs making there way to the door but before he could leave he asked hey want to be friends Snow looked at him wait but aren't you a bully Hunter nodded his head and said yeah I am but we can be secret friends  Snow thought about it for a second and give him another hug and said take my hug as a yes Hunter smiled wait Snow what's your phone number or like snapchat or something she give him her phone number for now and he walked out the door to his car to drive him and for onces with a smile on his face.

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