Dinner And A Surprise part 12

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Snow was getting out from the lady's room before her and Hunter left for her house today was the day they where going to tell Snow's parents and Hunter's parents about them dating both of them didn't know how they would react. But both of them had a plan to invite there parents out to dinner as she bumped into her friend beside her car she waved to her and Sophie said hey girl you are not driving home in your car today she looked at the ground and said girl can we talk in private not in front of the driver her friend just nodded and they want a couple cars down Sophie looked at her and asked you ok girl you seem nervous. Snow then said girl I haven't been fully honest with you for this couple of months Sophie had a feeling she know what this was about  she said about what girl she pretended to not know then her friend said I been dating someone and you might not like the person but he makes me happy Snow bite her lip when she said that Sophie now just realized that the person she was dating was not just a phase and said I know girl he is I hope we can still be friends after this. Snow was confused at this point and Sophie said I followed you that night and I know your dating Hunter but I don't understand why Snow's eyes widened then she said I forgive you and yes we can still be friends and I love him because he is  really kind and sweet and a lot of other things he might seem like a bully in school and a tough bad boy but outside it he is a really nice guy Sophie just looked at her and she responded with I understand and I support you guys they both hugged and Snow asked her driver to drive her friend home before leaving for home then both girls said goodbye to her and want over to. Hunter making sure no one saw her  and getting in the car as she buckled her seatbelt Hunter asked are you ready for this babe Snow took his hand and said a little nervous but I think I am ready then they began to drive to Hunters house first when they arrived they walked into the house and hunter yelled mom, dad where are you they waited for  a little then they got there response and started walking to the tea room Snow waited behind the door for her boyfriends queue hey mom hey dad both of his parents  greeted him with a hug and they all set down how are you son his dad asked. Hunter put his hands together out of nervousness  I am fine dad I actually have something important to tell you guys his mom looked at him what is it that you have to tell us his mom was curious and his dad looked confused I have finally started dating someone his parents looked at each other then back at him by those looks Hunter could tell that his parents didn't take him seriously so his  dad said jokingly so who is the lucky girl my boy he rolled his eyes while I am going to let  her tell you. Snow know that was her queue to come out from the shadows Hunter stood up and took her hand in his then she said Hello my name is Snow it's nice to meet you after a while his mom stood up and shook her hand but his father was not so happy about them he also stood up but instead of a look of understanding on his face like the one his mother  had it was anger son you do realize that I do not approve of this he could feel that Snow felt upset then he squeezed her hand and responded. At least say yes to a dinner you well see dad his father just rolled his eyes but said fine then he and Snow where making there way out  the door before his mom stopped them I am sorry about my husband my dear but if it helps I support you two that made Snow smile and hunter said thanks mom that means a lot to us and they left making there way to her house as they where driving he looked over at his girlfriend are you ok baby she looked at him. I guess but why does your dad not like me Hunter took her hand in the past a ex I used to date she took everything from my family she looked at her boyfriend but you know I am not like that he nodded and kissed her hand I know but my dad doesn't and I am going to try and do my best to change his mind and prove him wrong that made her smile as they pulled into the drive and got out of the car they started making there way to the front door and they want into the living room but her parents weren't there then she called one of the maids hey do you know where my parents are the maid said they are outside in the garden. Snow and Hunter want to the outside garden then they saw her parents setting in the gazebo they made there way to her parents but seen's they where in the garden there was no where to hide so they just walked up hey mom hey dad her parents greeted both of them they set down then Hunter took her hand  and that give her the confidence to tell mom and dad you know. I both love you me and Hunter are dating and we would love to invite you to dinner both her parents hugged them and after said we would love to come to the dinner both of them smiled later that night they walked into the place they booked Snow's family arrived first and Hunters was running late. Snow was getting worried she told her parents that she needed to take a breath so she want outside and called him he answered hey baby are you ok hunter's voice was shaky hey honey yeah just my dad was not wanting to go but we are almost there after a few minutes Hunter arrived  she run up to him then they walked back in they all set down and they all started talking and by the looks of it there mothers where getting along really good after the long dinner before they where about to go home Snow was stopped by Hunters father she turned and said what is it he took  a deep breath and replayed hope your not upset with me I was focused on the past you and my son have my blessing that made her smile and they hugged after that Hunter want back to Snows house to stay the night.

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