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It was a bright day. Finally, you thought with relief dreading the last few days of clouds and gloom. Your costume was finally complete and very comfortable needless to say. The white cape hung by your collar and flowed softly as you followed your class to the bus that would be taking you all to a new location for an activity.

"Y/N." Jirou approached with a small smile. "I see you finished your costume."

"Yeah they got it done pretty fast too

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"Yeah they got it done pretty fast too." You said as your cane clicked softly against the ground.

"Well it looks very pretty on you."


With you at the back of the group you walked slowly up the bus steps before Aizawa motioned for you to sit next to him. As you did so, the bus doors closed and the driver began his way.

"How does your suit feel?" Aizawa asked.

"Feels good, the material is light and flexible, so agility should be good."

Aizawa nodded in his sleeping bag before curling into the wall and drifting asleep. The ride was quite calm, your classmates chatted amongst themselves as you listened to the sounds of the surrounding nature. It was soothing to say the least.

You began to drift asleep before you heard what sounded like, growling. A deep growl, like an animal. A hungry animal. Then suddenly,

Calm down . A voice said, you looked up at the rocky terrain.

Is it coming from the mountains? You asked yourself.

How much longer till All Might gets here? Another voice said.

I already see the bus. Said a voice this time it sounded scratched and dry. They'll be there soon once they're inside we'll attack. Your heart dropped at his words before you suddenly shook Aizawa awake.

"Sensei. Sensei!"

"What? What? What? What is it?" At first annoyed but then softened at the look of terror on your face.

"Something's wrong. I can hear the voices of people, they're watching us. I think we're being followed."

Followed? Aizawa thought before looking out the window. "From where?"

You peered at the mountains and saw 10 body heat signatures, no 30, no much more than that. About 40 figures stood in the mountain above you.

"The mountains." You said quietly. "They're in the mountains."

"Shit." Aizawa's scrambled out of his bag and walked towards the driver. "Turn us around."

"Wait why?"

"If you don't want us to die, turn the bus around."

The driver although hesitantly began to turn around to the confusion of the students around them.

Flight of the Butterflies (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now