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"Yeah the brat's been a pain." Mitsuki said to Inko in her living room. "But hey I love him, what can ya do?"

The green haired woman laughed softly at her joke with a warm smile. Of course she was aware of Katsuki's behavior. Even in some cases it worried her. But it never stopped her son from pursuing friendship.

Speaking of her son. The woman glanced up at the clock. "It's almost 8."

"8?" Mitsuki asked as her eyes shot up at the clock. "He goes to sleep at this time, he should be here."

The woman began to scramble for her phone and dialed a number. The phone rang for several seconds, no reply. She dialed again.

Same result.

"Inko could you call Izuku, Katsuki isn't answering me." She said while scrolling through her phone worriedly.

"I'm on it already." Inko began to call only to be met with a flat tone. She tried again to receive the same thing, even trying three more times. "He's not answering me."

"What the fuck is going on? Masaru!"

Heavy and fast footsteps were heard as a brown haired man rushed into the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Did Katsuki tell you he was going to be gone late?"

The man's eyes widened as his head shook. "No, he didn't tell me anything. Why? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong it's 8 in the evening, the brat doesn't like being out late and he isn't back. Neither is Izuku and I-"

Suddenly her phone rang. Mitsuki looked to see an unsaved number.

"I know this number." She muttered before picking it up. "Enji?"

"Mitsuki hello," the man said through the phone. "I know its been a while but would you happen to know where Shoto is? He's in the same group as your son. He hasn't come home yet."

Suddenly her heart dropped. "Oh my god. No. No. No. Katsuki. He's not here either, none of them are. Izuku, Katsuki, your kid they never came. I tried calling them but they're not answering their phones."

She could hear Enji gasp at her words, and appear to curse under his breath. "I've been calling for the past half hour. All Might was with them but was called away for an emergency."

"Oh my god." She whispered before placing her hands on her head with tears in her eyes. "Oh my fucking god! NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!"

Mitsuki continued to cry out as Inko sat frozen on the couch stating at her blank phone. Her hands shook fearfully with terror. This feeling was familiar all too familiar.

Not again. She thought as hot tears ran down her face. Please. Please not again. I can't do this again.


"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!" Aizawa yelled out as threw plates down. His hair stuck to his face with sweat as he looked around frantic and angered. "5 months. She's only been here 5 MONTHS! How the hell could you lose her!?"

His head fell into the kitchen counter, be it from the physical pain, or the emotional torment, he began to cry. He had to look, Aizawa had to look for you. But where? He didn't know where. Where could he start? He's already searched every path and direction near Taste of Titans. Eren and Mikasa saw you leave with their own eyes. You were all okay. You were all just fine.

But now you were gone.

Aizawa knew this. He was shattered. "I promised. I promised him. How?! How could I let this happen?"

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