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A/N: I need to make things more clear. The last chapter A La Claire Fontaine takes place 5 days after you guys were kidnapped. The previous ones with your family and such is about three weeks after. This update will just be in the lab going over those three weeks in you guys' point of view. This chapter is the twelfth day in the lab.

Also Trigger Warning: Mentions of cannabalism.


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Perhaps today was slower than most. You and Izuku still slept on the cold stone floor, Katsuki and Shoto were the same. This is the longest they've left you alone so far. Yet even with this extended rest didn't soothe the pain in your body. It happened again yesterday, and the day before, and before then, and several times since you were here. He violated you again. The thought of this being a daily occurrence ate away at your sanity.

You've almost become numb to it now. It almost didn't bother you now. Perhaps that's why you were able to sleep. The assault has become a routine you've come to expect, and given up resisting.

Against the pain in your body you turned over on the hard floor. You looked around at the dark room and sighed before sitting up. Suddenly you heard Izuku's stomach churn and grumble quite loud. The last time you all were fed by them was so long ago. If you could estimate, about 6 days at most.

I could go a bit longer with the sugar I have stored. But, you glanced at Izuku asleep, then listened to the other two still in slumber. God knows how long these guys'll last.

Suddenly you heard footsteps you tensed up ready to be taken before you listened. They were softer. The person walking was small, the size of a child. It confused you, but then you recalled. You heard the voice of a little girl, but thought you were hearing things. Which in hindsight made no sense, your quirk gave you the best ears in the world.

The feet stopped in front of your door. The handle jiggled as you heard keys then the door opened. Through the bright light entering your eyes, you saw the figure of a small girl. She held a small bag and peered at you with wide red eyes. Through her white hair peeked a small white horn.

You stared at the girl in confusion as she walked in slowly.

"Um . . hi." She said suddenly.

You tilted your head at her. "Hi." Your hoarse voice let out.

"I brought these for you." The girl whispered giving you the small paper bag. "I'm Eri."

You looked inside to see some steamed buns in the bags. Still slightly warm too.

"Hi Eri, you knew we were here?"

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