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"Greetings Young Makena!" All Moght arrived at the frame of your door. Just after leaving Midoriya's room he assumed he'd check in. Of course the sight was no different. Save for your palms open for Legend to sit in your hands. "I'm glad you've been reunited with your companion."

The lack of response caused him to stand there almost awkwardly. You were silent while staring at Legend. Deep down the hero hoped getting that butterfly, that last reminder of your mother, would change your tone. Of course it did little.

His smile although stuck to his face, did not hide his discomfort and sorrow. Toshinori was never the best at talking about emotions, or resolving trauma. No amount of smiles, muscles, not declarations of presence could even attempt to repair this.

Toshinori walked to your side and looked at your face. In all his years he's seen many looks of trauma. Yet in all that time, he's never seen misfortune leave behind such a tragic and empty expression.

He walked up to your side. "I am very sorry for everything that has happened." The words from his mouth forced his smile away. His blue eyes looked upon you with a solemn expression while you stayed quiet. "There isn't a moment that passes where I wish I ignored that call and made sure you all got home. I know you all didn't want me to blame myself but I still do. There isn't much I could say that could make you feel better I think. Yet for all it is worth, from what I've seen of you. Before all this, after, and even now, you are a remarkable young girl. I genuinely do believe that."

Your expression remained unchanged. Toshinori bowed slight to you before leaving. Sitting there, you stared at that little white butterfly in your hands. Letting his words sink, you searched. And you searched real hard. Searched within yourself for a part, any small part of you, that agreed.


Griffin sat on the windowsil with complication in his thoughts. You laid in the bed with a blank glare, unmoved, and stuck in your anger. Legend, your butterfly, who miraculously was returned to you perched on your head. But you laid there. Waiting. Never in your wildest dreams did you think life would consist of several guns pointed to your head. As if fate was just shooting rounds at you.

So you laid there, waiting.

Waiting for the next bullet.

Waiting for the next tragedy.

A knock was heard at the door. It was Masaru and Katsuki.

"Hello." the man said kindly.

"Hi Mr Bakugou do you need something?" Griffin answered, hiding the pain in his soul.

"Mitsuki and I need to go into town to get somethings. But we don't want Katsuki alone. Could he stay with you since your father is next door with others?"

"That's fine." Masaru urged Katsuki to sit in a chair that was across from your bed before he left. They all sat in silence, Griffin watching Katsuki look at you with a sort of disdain in his eyes. "So um . . . you need anything? Like food?"

Katsuki glanced at him, then back at you. He let out a breath. "I need your sister to stop being a depressing bitch."

Griffin stared in a shock shadowed by anger. Your eyes shot to him who glared back at you.

Katsuki looked away feeling your eyes burn into him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Griffin asked. "You two just went to hell together, why would you say that?"

"Yeah we did go to hell together," Katsuki started before galring at you again. "but I'm not giving my family the silent treatment."

You stayed silent holding your tongue. No matter what he always challenged you. A part of you even hoped your experience would take that part of him away. Being disabled took enough to get used for it to be worse. Sorry if it's taking you some time to grasp the new reality. You ignored him and laid down facing away from him.

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