Chapter Two.

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The Beginning Of A Nightmare For Shyra {Part One}.

It has been more than a week since Shyra was informed that her parents died in a car accident.

Unfortunately, she was still a minor and couldn't live alone so she had to be put in her aunt and uncle's house along with her cousin who was five years older than she was.

She wasn't even close to them nor she wanted to stay with them but it was what the law says.

Shyra has to wait a year for her to be seen as an adult by the lawyer in charge of her parents' will.

"Shyra, you will be fine and if you ever need anything, you can just call and we will be there for you", Saira tells her while the others nod.

They were there to support her and to be there for her.

"I know but I don't want to stay there with them, because I barely know them and the law wants me to stay with them because they are family", Shyra says while finishing packing the remaining clothes she had in her cupboard.

After the funeral, the lawyers told her that she would have to shift to her uncle and aunt's place as soon as possible and it wasn't something that Shyra had to put off.

"Hey, remember that you have us and our families. Plus don't forget Samir too..."

"He is just a friend and that's all he will ever be, especially now", Shyra says, shaking her head. "I am done, I will miss this place. I just hope that I can come back here when I get older, in shaa Allah," she added looking at her room which was now empty.

"In shaa Allah you will and we will always be here for you. Either in school or even at home," Hanan tells her while the other girls agree with her.

The only things remaining were a few pieces of furniture, her favorite books, and some gifts that her parents had gifted her.

But what Shyra didn't know was that the smiles of her aunt and uncle were faked just like their love and care for her.

"We will always see each other in school, and text in the group chat", Hannah says to her smiling.

They all gave her a hug while her aunt and uncle were watching them.

Time to make her sign everything to us and then we will get rid of them just like we did to her parents. It will be easy because she will be vulnerable and will do anything for her family which is her dad.

"Can we leave as we are in a hurry?" Her aunt tells them with disgust in her eyes but she immediately replaced it when she saw Samir looking at her.

I pray that I am wrong in what I am thinking about her. I just hope that she will be okay in their house.

"Yeah, I am sorry for taking too long", Shyra tells her aunt and then turns to her best friends. "I will let you guys know when we reach there. I love you so much guys," she added, hugging them once more.

As soon as they walked out to the respective cars, the girls couldn't help but look at Shyra's face.

She had sadness in her eyes and it was because of losing her parents and the law wanting her to stay with her aunt and uncle who didn't even care about her.

All they cared about was the inheritance that they would get when the reading of the will happened.

But Shyra didn't know that.

All she knew was that they were her family and wouldn't do anything to her.

Especially when her uncle was her father's younger brother.

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