Chapter Thirty-one

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"Shyra Meet Janna, your lawyer".

One week later.

Imran knew who to introduce to Shyra as her lawyer. She is someone who was raised from the ashes as the phoenix herself. Her name is Janna Saif a lawyer who will help Shyra take back her life.

Imran knew her as someone who helped him get custody of Ayra from the abuser who killed his sister and he knew that she was the one that Shyra would need to win the battle ahead.

"Are you ready? She is excited to meet you. And no, I didnt tell her about your past because thats your story to tell. I just told her that you need her help," Imran explained to Shyra.

"Thank you. I thought that most lawyers would take more than one month to get an appointment from?" She asked out of curiosity.

"She is one of the lawyers that helped me get custody of Ayra from that man. And she is married to my cousin who helped her into the person she is now, " he explained to her. "I know that she is best in her field and she will get the justice you deserve in your life," he added as they walked to the car.

Alhamdulilah the stalker wasn't seen ever since he tried to hurt Shyra and Ayra. It would seem like he disappeared.

"Thank you again for this Imran..."

"You can thank me by never giving up and for fighting until the end. Dont give up on your dream Shyra," he says interrupting her.

A few days ago, her Uncle Aayan called her to explain things about her father's company. Her aunt and uncle were trying to take over it without any proper channels to go through. This made Shyra's decision easier. She just needed a push from someone and that was Imran. His confession was the one that made her strong.

"We are here. Dont be nervous and don't worry everything will be okay," Imran tells her. "Do you want me to go in with you," He asked her.

"Yes, I want that," she answered surprising him.

"Okay then let's go," he says opening the door and getting out of the car. He waited for Shyra to get out of the car and to follow him inside the building.

Shyra walked beside him looking around and was amazed by the artwork of the building.

"I am here beside you, don't be scared. I promise you that I will always be right here for you, always," Imran assured Shyra as they walked into the building.

Shyra gave him a confident smile and nodded at him. They approached the receptionist who showed them where to go.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Shyra took a deep breath before she and Imran got into the elevator to go up to the sixth floor of the building.

Imran looked at Shyra was trying to stay calm but he knew that this was a huge step for her to take especially when it might require seeing the person who hurt her in the courts.

"Hey, I am here all the way and I promise you that I will not back out of my promise to you. You are important as Ayra and my parents in my life," Imran says to her hoping to ease her nervousness but he knew that in her mind, she wanted to go back to the life she had known for the last 3 and a half years.

Shyra didnt know what to say to someone like Imran who had been there through the entire process of seeing her almost relapse when she was in class a few days after her second therapy session. He was there to calm her down without caring about the rumors that were said about them. According to Imran, rumors always die down no matter what and the people should consider how it started and who started it.

The elevator doors opened and both of them got out and walked towards the office that the receptionist told them. Imran spoke to Janna's secretary who informed her that they had arrived for their appointment.

"You can go in, she is waiting for you," the secretary says to them.

They both thanked her and walked to the door. Imran knocked and opened the door to find a Muslim woman who was wearing a black and white hijab who stood up and greeted with a smile on her face.

"Asalam Aleikum, how are you doing?"

"Waleikum Salaam, alhamdullilah. Janna, this is Shyra and Shyra meet Janna your lawyer," Imran says surprising Shyra who thought she was there just to talk about her case and that Janna might or might not take it.

Shyra looked at Imran with her eyes wide open and opened her mouth but nothing could come out.

"I know that what he said is a shock to you but it isn't a lie, Shyra. I will take your case even though he didnt tell me all the details of your story but I knew that I had to take it," Janna explained to Shyra who was shocked. "And we will win," she added surprising Shyra more.

All three of them took a seat and Janna started asking Shyra questions while Imran sat there listening trying to calm the anger that he felt when he heard the entire story again.

"And now, they want my father's company which he gave to a friend of his to safe-keep untill I am ready to take over but in the past few months, they have been trying to come up fake documents saying that I signed them before I left. But I didnt sign anything because after what happened to me with...I would spend alot of times at my best friend's houses untill graduation day. Thats when I packed everything that I owned and moved here," Shyra explained more to Janna who was writing a few key points in her notebook.

"Do you have the evidence to back up everything that you told me?" She asked Shyra.

"I have everything from his confession to them saying how they want to take the company from me because it rightfully belongs to my uncle," she explained to her. "I gave it to people that I trust with my life for safe-keeping and when it's time, I would go and collect it," she added surprising both Janna and Imran with her thorough planning.

"It was a win hands down unless they try something but I doubt that they would especially when you tell that everything has been in order because your father planned to give the company to his friend before he died, is that correct?" Janna asks hoping that she got the facts right.

"Yes, thats what the lawyer told me. He also told me that my studies are also taken care of plus the accommodation," Shyra answered her. "And thankfully before I left, I took some pictures of the documents where it was written that everything goes to them. And it was the document they wanted to me sign it. I then sent them to the people I trust, " she added surprising Imran more than before.

"Then we have a solid case, Shyra. But we need to..."

"Yes, go back to my hometown to fight the case as it is important," Shyra continued what Janna thought.

"Yes, exactly and I know that it will be hard but in shaa Allah we will get through this and we will win," Janna assures both Shyra and Imran with a smile on her face.

Janna knew that for Shyra to fight this would take a toll on her mental health but she was glad that she had someone like Imran and his family by her side. Plus her friends who will always have her back no matter what. And that is the most important help she can get.

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