Chapter Seventeen

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Samir has been looking for Shyra everywhere but he would turn up empty-handed. Each time he would get a clue about her, he would try not to get excited because he didnt want his heart to be broken again.

Even his parents kept telling him to stop looking for her and to let go of the feelings he had for her. But for Samir, it wasn't just about feelings of love, he also needed to know where his friend was.

He had unanswered questions that only Shyra could answer but she was nowhere to be seen.

Samir had even asked the girls but they each told him the same thing. They don't know where their friend is.

"Samir, you should let go of the idea of finding her..."

"Why is that Mama? Is it because you want me to marry someone else?" Samir asks his mother looking at her.

His parents never supported him in deciding to start his own investigative company because they knew that he would use the resources to look for Shyra.

"Your father and I want you to be happy with a woman who doesn't run away from her friends and family. She isn't the one for you, my son. I know that you might think that I want what is best for you, but that's where you are wrong. I want you to come home for dinner tonight and I won't take no for an answer. Whatever you have planned, postpone it or just let it go," his mother tells him leaving no room for arguments.

Samir knew that his parents meant well but he needed to see if she was okay or if she needed anything.

He had no choice but to agree to go to dinner at his parents' home.

He wanted to give an excuse saying that Azaan needed him but couldn't because his friend was busy.

"Your father and I will be expecting you at home, don't be late," his mother says leaving him to his thoughts.

I wish that you could have sent me a clue that you are alright. I pray that you are safe from whatever you ran away from here. And that you come back when you are ready and I will be waiting for you but I won't stop looking for you. I made a promise and I intend to keep it.

Samir needed to check on one of his men that he had sent to a nearby town in search of Shyra. He needed good news before he faced his father during dinner.

"Any news?"

"I am sorry, sir. I have no news of her," the man explained to him, "But I will keep looking for her...
"No need to do that, come back. I have another assignment for you. Come by the office so that you can collect the file, thank you," Samir says cutting him off.

He then hung up the phone and looked at the last picture of Shyra on his phone. It was taken on their school trip that all the girls and guys went before the seniors graduated.

They took the picture as their last memory of each other. And it was also the last time that Shyra smiled again.

"I will find you, Shy. I know that you needed someone to be there and I wasn't. I blame myself for what happened to you..."

Samir wiped the fallen tear and got up from his chair, he then went out of his office letting his secretary know that he wouldn't be in for the rest of the afternoon.

"If anyone asks tell them you dont know where I will be or if I will be back. And you can take the rest of the afternoon off," Samir tells his secretary.

This didn't even surprise her as it was somewhat normal for him to do this every time his parent would visit him.

"Okay, sir. Have a good day."

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