Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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"Is he married, Saira?"

Shyra needed to know what Imran told her almost a month ago about Samir being married and the one person who could tell her the truth was Saira. But she didn't want to make her friend agitated as she was expecting and needed plenty of happy memories.

Shyra decided to ask Dr. Saalim in her next appointment about it. He has been helping her in a lot of decision-making and she was grateful that she met him. He has become one of the people she could always count on whenever she has a problem.

And there was Dania who always called to ask her how she was and if she needed some things or just to have a chat with her about her day.

Shyra had personally asked Imran not to take her as she was planning on surprising Ayra with something that she always wished to have.

Not a toy as she would say that she is too old to play with them. Shyra had ordered a praying gown for her with her name embroidered on the hijab. It was the same color as the Quran she had given her plus the praying mat.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to take you?" Imran asks her for the third time.

"I am 100% sure about it and besides you should go and spend time with Ayra. You two need a father and daughter time," Shyra says remembering the stories that Ayra would tell her. "Besides, I have Raya with me and she will wait for me until I am done then she will bring me back to the apartment," she added smiling at Imran.

Imran reluctantly agreed and let her go. He didn't want to be seen as someone who would control everything that Shyra did.

He also knew that she needed to be independent and he trusted Raya.

Shyra walked out of the elevator and then got into Raya's car but she couldn't help by remembering how Imran was always worried about her safety.

Ever since that day, Imran would always give her a lift as soon as they were done with their work at the company.

"What's wrong Shyra?" Raya asked her.

"I dont know. I feel confused about a few things that I can't stop thinking about. One of them is what Imran told me about Samir. I know that he says that it might or might not be true but Allah knows, Raya..."

"Then why don't you ask Saira as she just arrived here? Plus she might know more about what Imran told you. She is the best person to talk to when it comes to your friends back home," Raya advised her.

Shyra knew that Raya was right but she needed to get to her therapy session before talking to Saira.

Thankfully for Saira, teaching has been keeping her busy from thinking about the divorce papers that she received a month ago.

But deep down both of them didn't believe that Azaan had sent them because it had no signature.

They were blank.

"Here we are. I will wait for you right here. And Shyra letting go of the past isn't always a bad thing to do especially when you have someone who wants to have a future with you," Raya says to her.

Shyra knew that Raya was talking about Imran but she couldn't let herself feel anything because, in her mind, she wasn't the right person for him.

"Thank you. I will see you in a few."

I pray that you will see yourself the way he sees you, Shyra. I pray that he is your happiness as you are already his. You deserve to be happy and you will be if you just open your heart to love. But Allah knows what is in your heart so He will do what is right for you. In shaa Allah.

Raya watched as Shyra walked into the building, she prayed that happiness would come to her when she was ready to accept it in her life.

Meanwhile, Saira got a call from Iman telling her that the divorce papers weren't sent by Azaan. But she didn't know who had sent them.

"It doesn't matter who sent them..."

"Yes, it does, Saira. He was just here looking for you but I didnt tell him where you are. Because thats up to you," Iman says to her. "Anyways how are you doing? And how is Shyra?" She asked.

Saira explained everything that had been happening to her. And she told Iman about Ayra.

"She is amazing ma shaa Allah. And so mature too. Iman, her father has feelings for our dear friend Shyra," Saira explained to her.

This surprised Iman because she didnt expect that but she was glad that her friend had someone by her side.

"That's amazing ma shaa Allah..."

"Yes it is but Shyra thinks she doesn't deserve the happiness because she thinks that Imran would want someone pure and she doesn't," Saira says cutting her off.

"Why would she think that? If he loves her and so does everyone in his family, then what's the problem?" Iman asks her feeling confused. "I wish that she could see herself the way..."

"He sees her. Iman, and he is someone that our friend needs in her life..."

"But what about Samir? He is still searching for her even though they still talk on the phone almost every day," Iman says making Saira understand Shyra.

"I think Shyra is waiting for her time when she is ready to face him and then get justice. Thats when she will be ready to move on."

"Yes, that could be it. Anyways, I need to go now. I will call you soon, in shaa Allah. Take care of yourself," Iman says hanging up the call.

As Saira moved from the living room towards the kitchen to make herself a snack, thats when the doorbell rang.

She walked to the door and saw that it was Shyra outside the door. She then opened the door to let her inside.

"Asalam Alaikum, how are you doing, and how was the session?"Saira asks her friend.

"Waleikum salaam. I am good alhamdulilah. Alhamdulilah, it was good," Shyra says. "Here, I brought some cinnamon buns and for myself a cup of coffee and some muffins. We need to talk, actually, I need to ask you something about Samir," she added taking a seat.

"What is it do you want to know about him?"

"Imran saw him almost two months ago at an event, he was with a woman and she introduced herself as his wife. Is he really married?" Shyra asks her friend who is confused but then remembers when he introduces them to a woman.

"I don't think that he is married because that woman is just a friend to him. Her name is Warda and she is the daughter of a family friend," Saira says to her friend. "I would know if he was married because Azaan is one of his best friends and he won't get married without his friends," she added.

"Then why did she introduce herself as his wife?" Shyra asks.

"Maybe because she wants him as more than a friend but knowing Samir he told her off that same day," Saira explained making her understand that Samir wouldn't intentionally hurt her.

Shyra understood what her friend was trying to tell her. At least he didn't lie and she hoped that whoever this girl was made him happy.

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