Chapter Thirteen.

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Unorthodox Therapy Methods.

Shyra felt a little bit at ease when she spoke to Dr. Saalim Yahya at her first appointment, even though his methods weren't 'professional-like' and they did help her.

She tried to do the exercises that he had given her but they were getting harder and harder because of how her mind works.

Even though the ones she was always smiling to were Ayra and some of her other classmates and when it came to writing something good about herself, she was stuck.

It was as if her mind was on pause and didn't want to start.

"Shyra, what's wrong?" Ayra asks her when she noticed that Shyra didnt respond to her questions.

Ayra has been having weekend sleepovers at Shyra with her father's permission, of course, but it wasn't enough as Imran would always check on them from time to time.

"I am just thinking about the good things in life..."

"Well, for starters, you are alive, Alhamdullilah, you should be thankful for that. And also be thankful that you have people in your life that love and care for you. Me and dad included," Ayra says while looking at her. "I included Dad because he would ask me to take care of you," she added surprising Shyra.

"Thank you. You are grown up for someone who is eight years old. And you seem to know alot of things maybe you could teach me afew things..."

"Really? Okay, I could try but I am not that good of a teacher, you could ask my dad to help you. But if you want we can both help you," Ayra says smiling. "Sometimes we someone to help us even though we don't ask for it, right?"

"Thats true and thank you for being here with me," Shyra says.

A few days later, Shyra received an email from Dr. Saalim Yahya about the address where Imran should take her but she didn't want to be a burden and wanted to ask Raya to drive her.

But she didn't know that Dr. Saalim had already told his son to take her to her destination. Imran was just waiting for Shyra's confirmation about the time.

Shyra knocked on Imran's apartment door hoping that he won't be home but unfortunately for her, he was home.

"Asalam aleikum, I..."

"Waleikum salaam, I understand. I will be down in a few minutes. I just need to finish lunch and then we will go," he says making Shyra nod.

"Okay, I will be waiting at the lobby," she tells him walking away and going to the elevator.

Shyra took a deep breath and took her phone to call her friends as it was a much-needed conversation.

"Asalam Aleikum, how are you doing, Shyra?" Iman asked her friend as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Waleikum salaam, I am good alhamdullilah. How is everything there? The wedding preparations and Saira, Hanan, and Hannah plus Armaan," Shyra asks her.

"Everyone is okay. The wedding preparations are done. Saira and Azaan decided to get married on the same day as me which made Mum and Aunt Sameera happy. And what about you? What is new?".

Shyra explained everything that happened in the last few weeks plus how she is seeing a therapist. And about Ayra who has captured her heart without realizing it.

"The strange thing is that Ayra is like an angel especially when she has that soothing aura in her. She is calm and always happy Ma shaa Allah. I wish you girls could meet her, you would love her too," Shyra says smiling. "Where are the other girls?" She asked because it was normal for her call to be put on speaker whenever she would call.

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