Chapter 18: The Day Has Come

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Today is the day of the grand event. The day we had been waiting for. Sports Festival! Ever since Mr. Aizawa and I arrived at school, there were many reporters in front of UA's front gate. Looks like everyone excited to watch sports festival, I thought.

All students need to prepare themselves in the waiting room for each class. So here we are, in Class 1A waiting room.

"Everyone, are your preparations complete?! We're set to enter in no time!"

Iida's always so energetic. The others look very nervous. Well, I can't say I'm not. I'm about to use my quirks in front of many people for the first time and my classmates for the second time ever since the USJ incident.

I never really show them my quirks since then even though they had ask me many times now. Where's the fun in that if I just told them about my quirks' capabilities? So, I only told them to wait until sports festival. You can say they were pretty excited to see my quirks in action.

Suddenly, I saw Todoroki approaching Midoriya. Don't know why but I had a feeling something will happen.


"What is it, Todoroki?"

"On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength."

I narrowed my eyebrows. What is he trying to say? I thought.

"Wha?! Ah, uh, yeah..."

See? Even Midoriya look confused with Todoroki's words.

"You've manage to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that but I'm going to beat you."

Is this.. another episode of yesterday's war declaration?

"Oho, what's this? A declaration of war from the strongest kid in class."

"What's with the belligerence all of a sudden? Don't spring this on him right before-"

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends. But whatever."

I look at Midoriya. He just looked down and clenched his fists.

"I have no idea what you want from me... telling me all that... you're definitely stronger than me... I think the vast majority of people are probably no match for you... looking at it objectively..."

"Come on, Midoriya. Don't be so negative.."

"Even so!!!... Everyone- even kids from other departments are aiming for the top with all their might. So not even I can just let myself lag behind the rest!"

Midoriya looked up, facing Todoroki with his determine face.

"So I'm going to go for it with all my might too!"

I smiled. Now that's the Midoriya I know. He won't let the negatives get the best over him.

Now, we, students were making our entry. With Present Mic being one of the event organizers that will announced all of the events, of course it would be loud.

"The first years of the hero course!! It's Class 1A!!"

Alright, I already set my mindset that there will be many people watching this event and keep on practising for not getting nervous. However, I think those practises were for nothing because I still feel nervous. Guess that's normal, cuz I had something to do for the opening ceremony.

The other students from the other departments also made their entry. We gathered by class in front of a stage. Our ref for this big event is-

"Now now, fair play!!!"

The R-Rated hero, Midnight. I really don't mind her being the chief referee but still, her hero costume makes me uncomfortable.

"R-Rated hero? Should she really be in a high school?"

"Silence! My tenure here is perfectly on the level! Now, player rep! Boboiboy of class 1A!"

Well, that's my signal. Here we go. While I was walking towards the stage, I could hear some people whispering something about me.

"It's Boboiboy?!"

"He placed first in the entrance exam, remember?"

"Yeah, the heroics entrance exam."

Alright. Here goes nothing.

"Thank you, Pro Hero Midnight and welcome to all of the audience who came to watch this big event. I will make this quick and simple since I'm sure all of you are very excited to watch the sports festival.

So, I only want to say, in every battles, everyone will give all their best just to proof themselves strong and worthy of being a hero. In my opinion, everyone can reach the top."

Then I turned to look at the students.

"I'm not saying this just for students of hero course. I say it generally. UA wanted to test your capabilities, so why don't we give what they wanted to watch. Let's give them the best performance!"

Then, the audience cheered loudly, as if they're supporting my words. I smiled and started to walk back to my friends. Their expression? Well-

"Boboiboy, you looked very manly just now!"

"Your words are simple yet powerful."

"Ahhh!! Make me feel excited to win!"

"Great job, Boboiboy!"

Yeah, you can guess it already. I just smile at them.

"All right, with that we can move directly onto our first even!"

"Wow, never an idle pause at UA!"

There was screen that I guessed to show what event we will do first. It looks like a spinning machine or something like that.

"Onto the preliminaries as they're called! Lots of fine folk end up choking on their tears here every year. And this year's first round destiny is this!"

The screen showed some words. Obstacle Race.

"It's a race between every member of all seven classes! The course is a four kilometers lap around this stadium itself! We always sing about our freedom on campus. Well, this is what it's all about! You're free to do anything, so long as you remain within the course!"

Well, that will be a problem. Someone might even sabotaged other students' run. I need to be more careful in this race.

Everyone started to head towards the stadium exit gate, where the race will started at. Midoriya came and wish good luck to me.

"Boboiboy, good luck."

"You too Midoriya. Before we started, I want to thank you for your theories. Most of it was spot on!"

"Really? I'm glad then."

"But still, I'm confuse either my quirk is emmitter-type or transformation-type."

"Eh? Of course, it's emitter-type right?"

I shook my head.

"You will understand soon."

"Alright then."

Everyone arrived at the exit gate and was waiting for the signal from Miss Midnight. There was 3 light above the exit gate. Looks like a traffic light for me.

"So let's get cracking. On your mark!"


One red light appeared. Everyone took their own position just like what Miss Midnight ordered. I saw Midoriya's serious face, looking straight to the gate.

Well, Midoriya, I know you want to win this but your face looks kinda scary. Maybe because I never see him being ultra serious before.


Whatever. Deep down, I myself want to win. So, I will do my best in this race. I can't underestimated the others including the other students from different classes. Who knows what quirk they have.


All of the three light turned green and the race begin!

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu