Chapter 33 : More elements?!

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At night...

Another night, another dream. This time, it's about... my wind element? It looks like I had reached my wind second tier when I was still a kid. I saw my younger self, in cyclone form, standing on my hoverboard while talking with two people. Unfortunately, I couldn't see those two's faces.

"I know. You guys actually want to take my power, right?"

"Eh? Why did we want to take your power?"

The other's voice sounds awfully similar like mine... but... that's not possible right?

"Because... you guys are weak!"

After that, all I see is red and light blue colour appeared and disappeared in the sky. The fight is too fast until I myself couldn't catch up to their speed. I could hear laughing echoing through the atmosphere.


I gasped as I woke up from my dream. Well, it sure was something. I controlled my breathing and thought, 'guess my wind element's trait is happy. But, let's not make him too happy.'




Second day of internship...

After I finished showering and preparing myself, I walked down to the kitchen. The mansion was super huge. Too big for someone who lives alone, in my opinion.

There were atleast 4 rooms on the second floor and one library. One of the room was Mr. Amato's work place. I didn't went in there since the room had password to open the door. The library was pretty big and there were a lot of books. I hope I get to read some if I had the time.

The first floor, there were the living room, dining table, kitchen and another work place of Mr. Amato, but this one isn't lock nor have password. I went straight to the kitchen and saw Mr. Amato was cooking something. He was wearing his casual outfit instead of his armour. Once he noticed my presence, he quickly greet me.

"Ah good morning. I see that you're awake."

"Yes, sir. Is there anything I can help?"

"Nope. I'm almost finish. You can go sit at the table. I will be there with our breakfast in a minute."

"Alright." I obeyed.

I went to the dining table and sit on one of the 10 chairs. Now I wonder, does Mr. Amato ever gets lonely living here all alone? And was this long dining table necessary?

Suddenly, I heard someone's voice from upstairs. 'Wait, was there someone else live here?' I thought.

Within minutes, a sphere robot came floating to the dining table as Mr. Amato finished cooking. For some reason, I think I saw that robot before, but where?

"Oooh, currypuffs!!!"

The robot sat in front of me while Mr. Amato put our breakfast on the table.

"You old robot. Why don't you make it yourself?" said Mr. Amato.

"Hmph. Why should I wasted my energy to do your work?" said the robot while starting to eat the food.

"Haish. Boboiboy, meet my friend, Mechabot."

"Your friend? I don't know a robot can eat? No offenses." I asked.

"Why does people keep on asking that? I also need to eat something to regain my energy. Plus, who in the galaxy say no to food?" said Mechabot.

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now