Chapter 45: Practical Exam

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Second Match

["Team Tokoyami and Asui, practical exam. Ready, go!"]

As soon as the exam starts, Ectoplasm immediately made tons of clones of himself.

"I forgot to tell you. We, teachers are also trying to crush you with everything we have. Luckily, I'm not as kind as the first examiner. Let's put an end to this right now." Without warning, Ectoplasms attacked both Tokoyami and Asui.

Tokoyami immediately instructed Dark Shadow to protect them from the clones. After that, Tokoyami instructed Dark Shadow to throw Tsuyu high as she used her long froglike tongue and pulled Tokoyami away from the clones. Then, both of them ran towards the finishing line rather facing Ectoplasm head-on.

"So you're running, huh?" Ectoplasm said as he created more clones.

Ectoplasm quirk allows him to make clones of himself. He can produce about 30 at once.

"Woah! Their teamwork is superb!" Boboiboy praised.

"An escape only those two could pull off!" Midoriya added.

"Communication skills. In this society, it's a simple but important skill for heroes to have." Recovery Girl said to them

"Um... I have a question. Even though this is an exam each student is being made to deal with their weakness on purpose, right?" Midoriya asked the hero.

"That's right."

"I wonder what Tokoyami and Asui have to work on. I can't imagine Ectoplasm-sensei's quirk being a bad match-up for them." Midoriya commented.

"You're right. Well, at least for Tsuyu. But Tokoyami..." Boboiboy replied after he observe more of their exam. He knew Tokoyami was struggling at the moment, since he fought Tokoyami before.

"Tokoyami's strength is his quirk attack and the rage that let him keep his distance. However, he has one critical weakness in that he can't defend himself without Dark Shadow and that pits him at disadvantage without Tsuyu covering his back, right?" Boboiboy commented which got a full mark from Recovery Girl.

"Who knew that Tokoyami had such a weakness." Uraraka said.

"I see. With Ectoplasm's quirk, he can create may versions of himself as he desired and those clones can appear unexpectedly too." Midoriya added.

"That must be the reason why Tokoyami is being paired by Tsuyu!" Uraraka commented.

"Exactly. You see, Asui here is an excellent student with no clear weakness. Therefore, she must provide support to her ally. Besides, her ability to keep calm can provide emotional support to others in crisis." Recovery Girl explained.

Back with Tokoyami and Tsuyu. Both of them had defeated almost 28 clones. However, Ectoplasm started revealing his trump card in which he created a huge clone. Almost rivalled Mount Lady in her giant form. The huge clone attacked Tokoyami and Tsuyu and managed to trap them.

Dark Shadow tried to engage Ectoplasm in a battle for victory. However, being a pro hero, Ectoplasm easily over-powered Dark Shadow in combat battle.

"He can't go through against a pro head on, huh?" Tokoyami said.

"But if he cam reach, then we have a chance. Have Dark Shadow take this, Tokoyami. Don'tlook closelysince sensei might notice and besides... It'sreally gross..." Tsuyu said.

Without Ectoplasm realizing it, she swallowed the handcuffs and stored in her stomach. This is something she can do with the help of her quirk that can take things in and out of her stomach.

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now