Chapter 36: Reason to save

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Just a small warning... I'm obsessed with Detective Conan recently ^w^
Alright, now I'm panic. How can I fight her if I can't use my quirk? She seems like someone who can't be underestimated. Her speed and skills is unpredictable. What to do? What to do?

I closed my eyes while trying to think of a plan.

''Always stay calm. Things will get worse if you panicked.''


"Even thought you want to train with your quirk, don't just abandoned your previous training. Martial arts will be very useful when fighting villains."

Mr. Aizawa's and Maskmana's words were lingering through my mind. On that moment I thought of how stupid I am.

I started 'quirkless'. I survived UA entrance exam without a quirk. I passed Mr. Aizawa's quirk test without a quirk. I survived all of that with my own sweat and bare-hands.

Not to mention, I don't know why but...

I feel like I had been through worst than this.

Now, my mind started thinking rationally as I am less panic. Then, I remember something. I looked through my pocket and felt the cold of a metal.

My plasma dagger.

When the villain tried to attack again, I quickly pulled out my plasma dagger. The villain looked shock to see that I suddenly pulled out a weapon to block her attack. She jumped back to create distance between us.

"So, you had a weapon too? How nice! Looks like both of us are the same! Maybe we can be friends! Hehe~"

'What's wrong with her? What friend attacks their own friends?!' I thought.

We started fighting eachother for a while. Her speed and flexibility was no joke. But at least, the kids were safe since I saw them running away somewhere from the corner of my eyes while battling her.

'Isami and Ayumi are already away from here. There's no need for me to keep on the fight anymore. But first, I need to get out from her sight-'


She managed to kick me away until I crushed on a debris. I tried to stand up but I felt so exhausted. Then, I realised that my left hand was bleeding pretty badly.

I'm losing blood. It's only the matter of time before I might faint. My eyes are getting blurry and I started feeling dizzy. I could hardly see the villain walking towards me while holding her knife.

"I sometimes wonder. Why do heroes would want to protect and save a complete stranger? At the end, they would get hurt or even die just because they tried to save others. So, why?" she asked while putting a smile on her face.

However, I noticed that a debris was going to fall on her and she didn't seem to realise it yet. With all the energy I had, I ran towards her.

"Look out!"

The villain was surprised and was about to point the knife towards me. But I immediately hug her while pushed her away from the fallen debris. We had a bit rough landing but at least both of us are alive.

I tried to control my breathe as my consciousness is starting to fade away due to blood loss.


I sit up and lean on a debris while looking at her. She was showing a rather surprise and confuse look.

"Why did you save me? I hurt you and want to kill you, yet you still save me. Are you expecting me to spare your life just because you saved me? What naive thoughts do you have? What makes you to sacrifice yourself to save other? Answer me!"

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now