Chapter 28: Way to Congratulate

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Here's your other gift!
"Now let's move on to the awards ceremony!"

There, everyone could see the winners of the sports festival. And of course, the number one who was... tied up to prevent him from going wild...

'Was the chains really necessary..? He looks like a villain being tied up...' I thought.

Bakugo kept on moving and glaring at Todoroki. Saying something that none of us could understand because of the muzzle (?) on his mouth.

"In third place, we both have Boboiboy and Iida, but Iida was forced to leave early due to a family emergency. We hope you all understand."

I wondered what happened. The others didn't tell me anything since I was getting ready for the award ceremony and all. I just hope everything's alright.

"Now for the medals! Presenting them this year is... you know who!!!"

"I am here-"

"It's everyone's hero... All Might!"

"-here with the medals!"

All Might came out of nowhere from the sky and he didn't look happy when his sentence got cut off by Midnight. But soon, he got an apology from Midnight for everything.

"Congratulations, young Boboiboy. You're really one in millions." said All Might as he placed the medal around my neck.

"You praised me too much, sir. I'm not that good and I'm still training."

"That is the first step to become an awesome hero, young man. You really reminded me of a good friend of mine." said All Might as he hugged me and of course, I returned the hug.

Then, All Might went to give the others their medals. I looked at my medal and smiled at it.

Well, I can get better than this if it wasn't for that person. But then again, I should be grateful that I get a medal. The other students didn't get any prizes at all.

I looked at All Might as he was giving Bakugo's medal. For some reason, Bakugo doesn't seem to want the medal. Till the point, All Might need to place the medal's layard in Bakugo's mouth. I tried my hardest to not laugh because if I do, I'm pretty sure I won't see the light again.

"Well! These are your winners! But hold on, everyone! As you all witnessed! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here! Competition! Encouragement! Pushing each other to climb higher and higher! The sprouts of today will grow into heroes of tomorrow! In that spirit, let's have our final cheer! Everyone say it with me! One, two, and-"

"Plus Ultra!!!"

"-Thanks for the hard work!!!"

"We're supposed to say 'Plus Ultra', All Might!!"

"Oh right... it's just they really work so hard and..."

Well... that was something. As we were dismissed, I saw a certain man near the audience entrance seats.

"Well, we don't know about his face because he was wearing black cap and a mask. As for his appearance, he wear black shirt with red jacket and dark blue jeans." explained Midoriya while trying to remember the man's appearance.

That's him! That's the man who gave me the hot cocoa! That's probably M.H.!

I ran to search for him, didn't care about my friends who had called for me. There's only one thing in my mind, and that is to meet M.H. I won't lose him this time.

There! In a few meters, I could see the man entered a room. I was about to open the room but-

"Don't. Open the door."

He knows I will be searching for him. My heart pumped really fast. The person who possibly know me is just right behind this door.

"I know you have a lot of questions. I will answer only three of your questions. So, think wisely before you ask. You can ask anything except for my real identity. Take it or leave it."

Great. That's what I really want to know the most. Well, it's better than nothing.

"I know you're the one who gave me those hot cocoa drink. You're M.H. and you know me before, right?"

"I know you ever since you were born. I know almost everything about you. Sounds creepy but that's the truth."

Well, that does sounds a bit creepy. Two more questions left. What should I ask him?

Suddenly I remembered my conversation with Mr. Aizawa about what might happen to the people I knew.

"Where are the people who knows me? Like my friends and family?"

There was a pause before M.H. started giving me his answer.

"Firstly, your friends.. they... something happened and makes it hard for them to meet you. They risked everything for your safety. But, don't worry. They're still alive, I guarantee of that. As for your family... they have something important to deal with before meeting you. That's all I can tell you."

Okay, now I know they didn't just abandoned me. They're just wanted to deal with some unfinished business. Then, my last question will be-

"When will I meet you?"

"Soon, if possible."

Well, if that so, I'm happy. I get to meet him, just didn't know his real identity. Or maybe, I will know his true identity once we meet.

"Well then, I had answered three of your questions. Take this as my way of congratulating you for getting in top 3 in sports festival. Though, I know you can get much more higher than this if there weren't any interruption during the battle."

I sighed. It made me frustrated just by remembering about it.

"It's fine. Just like you said. It was bound to happen. Maybe, there's benefits behind everything that happened. In fact, there's always rainbow after storm. I just need to show those guys just who they're messing with. I will prove to them that I will be a great hero one day. You taught me that, right?"

"You're right. I'm sure you will succeed with flying colours. In fact, you were born to be a hero."

I smiled before I heard my name being called.


I could see Midoriya and the others were running towards me.

"Don't just ran off like that!"

"Just what are you doing here?"

"Were you searching for someone?"

And there's a lot more questions coming out from their mouth.

"Guys! Let's just get something to eat okay?" I suggested.

Yup. I'm really bad with changing topics but who could blame me?

"Alright then, but don't you think we will let this slide, you hear me?!" warned Uraraka.

"Yes, yes."

Uraraka can be scary sometimes.

As we were walking away from the room, I could see M.H. walked out from the room and went to the opposite direction from ours. He's tall, that's for sure. Other than that, I couldn't find anything that could give me any clues about his true identity. Guess I just need to wait until the times for him to reveal himself and his true relationship with me.

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now