Chapter 38: The Truth of His Power

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"... I'm ready"

Amato sighed before he typed something on a hologram keyboard. Then, a blue hologram appeared on the round table, showing details about Boboiboy's powers and his extra abilities such as martial arts and strategy planning. Boboiboy couldn't help but to be awe with everything he just witnessed.


"The truth is you are actually quirkless Boboiboy." said Amato.

Boboiboy was about to comment before Amato continued.

"But apparently your watch had make it possible for you to have a quirk. After a lot of research, I found out that your watch contains an extraordinary energy source, almost similar as a quirk. You are able to use your elemental quirk whenever you wear that watch." Amato explained.

'I see. So, that's why I couldn't use my quirk since I didn't wear it that time.' Boboiboy thought.

"Personally, whoever gave you that watch, is one in millions. They are probably geniuses for them to make something as complicated as this." Amato said while looking at the teenager's data.

Boboiboy couldn't help but to put on a small smile. It was Ochobot, the yellow sphere robot he saw in his vision, the one who gave him the watch. He was sure of it.

"I never knew it was possible to have a quirk when you are practically quirkless." Boboiboy said.

"Well, it is really unexpected but I guess nothing is impossible. Anyway, I think it's not really accurate if we call it a 'quirk' since quirks are like borned powers. Since you're not really in that kind of group, let's just stick with 'power'. What do you say?" Amato suggested which Boboiboy found it wasn't a bad idea.

"But still, you need to keep this a secret. If others find out, especially villains, it will be an advantage for them. You know what I mean, right?" asked Amato seriously.

Boboiboy seriously nodded. Somehow, he suddenly remembered a past event where someone tried to steal his watch as well as his powers. He remembered being powerless and useless that time. However, that giving up feeling was quickly replace by a determination to get his watch- his powers back.

Boboiboy didn't know why but he felt like he sees his elements more than mere powers. He felt like his powers are like something or maybe, someone dearly to him but he couldn't put a finger on it.

"Ah, there is another important thing about your power, Boboiboy." said Amato which completely catched the boy's attention.

"What is it?"

"Before that, try holding your watch and say 'Elements, split from the owner'." Amato said while smiling.

On the other hand, Boboiboy found it weird with the statement.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked but Amato just gave him a 'you'll see' look. Boboiboy just shrugged it off and just did what he was told to.

"Elements, split from the owner!"

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared from the watch which startled the teen. Boboiboy quickly covered his eyes until the light goes off. When he finally adjust his sight with the surrounding, he was beyond shocked with everything he just saw.

There were literally seven people suddenly appeared before his eyes. Hence, all of them look exactly like him.

"W-What?" He was speechless with everything.

"Boboiboy, meet your elements." Amato said while holding Boboiboy's shoulders, trying to free the teen from his shock phase.

"My-... My elements? They... alive?" He looked at Amato, full of surprise. Amato just gave him a nod for confirmation. Then, Amato's attention was at the seven people.

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now