Chapter 4- Attitudes

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Song: Blackpink- Shut Down

I woke up extra early to train and go out for a run because I didn't want to face the pathetic pack yet, especially not in the morning as it will ruin my whole day. I know I have to face them sooner or later but I still need a little more time to prepare myself. 

I heard someone behind me while training so I got up in defence mode ready to attack. I turned around to punch the person behind me but just in time, my fist was held. "Calm down, you don't want to ruin my beautiful face do you?" I sighed. 

"Excuse me, please let me go, your presence is making me sick!" I wanted to punch him in the face real bad like how he did to me back in the days. 

"That's rude, you shouldn't treat your guests like this." He replied but let me go. 

"Hm, that's if I see you as guests, you guys are nothing but weak and now you're here trying to get on my fucking nerves." I snarled taking a step forward and he smirked. 

"Weak? I mean I'm likely to be stronger than you at least, you look like you can't hurt a fly." My eye twitched in annoyance. Why the fuck is he even here?

"Watch it pup, you don't know who I am so don't underestimate me. You are at our territory asking for our help not the other way round." I replied making him take a small step back in shock.

I gave my deadliest glare, shit just got real. I think I heard a whimper, I knew he was going to cower away in fear, the weak so-called beta thinks he's the shit when clearly he'd rather hide under his tail but face me. 

"Shut up! You're a fucking bitch, I could take you right now." He growled out.

"Trevor, don't even try to fight me, I can kill you with the snap of my fingers so I'll be careful if I were you." I smirked at his reaction.

"H-how do you know my name?" He asked surprised.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." I teased. "Anyways, we got a meeting soon, I suggest you prepare." I bluntly said and was about to go but he stopped me. 

"You didn't answer my question." He said harshly.

"It's called researching asshole. Goodbye!" I snarled and left him looking all annoyed. What an idiot. 


I don't know what their problem is. The moment I stepped on their grounds they won't stop glaring at me. I also feel quite weird and edgy since I came here. I couldn't go to sleep all night. I heard footsteps pass my door going down the stairs and a door shutting. I looked out my window to see a girl with dark brown hair running onto the forest, I didn't see her last night when we arrived, I wonder why?

There was something unusual going in this pack, I wouldn't have asked for anyone's help if I wasn't desperate, at least the Alpha king and Luna queen took sympathy over us and asked Red Luna to help us. I don't even know why everyone was hostile towards us, we didn't even do anything. Night Stellar is planning to kick us our of their hold if we don't get stronger but how can I, when my own father didn't teach me to be a proper Alpha before he died? 

I don't have time to sulk, I should be happy that I'm receiving at least some sort of help, I'm not the same kid I was 3 years ago I'm better. I hope these fucking rogues die, I have to tell Blake that they're still lurking around and it would be safer if all of my pack stays in his territory.


I woke up from my 2-hour slumber and dressed for training then went downstairs. "Yo, how was your sleep?" Trevor asked me. 

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