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👀💕🌹WHAT A LIFE!🌺🔥✨


                 CHAPTER TWELVE

Evans took Chiamaka to his place and they both layed on the bed, romancing each other. Suddenly, they began to stare at each other.

"I have missed you so much my love. My heart beats for you alone and no woman has dared to take your space. If not for my parents, you know my intentions, you know how much I planned for us. And just when I finished my 300level exams, you were gone! But why didn't you call me at least?" Evans asked playing with Chiamaka's hands.

"I wanted to but I was scared not to cause misunderstanding between you and your mum. And to top that I got robbed that night all everything was stolen including the necklace you bought for me. I lost everything!" Chiamaka replied and downcasted. She hated to talk about her past. They were bad memories she wished to erase forever.

"I still love you, Chi!" Evans used his hand to cup Chiamaka's face, so she could look at him as well. His hands were warm and shaky!

There fell an awkward silence, as they both stared at each other. The stare, was not just a stare, but the ones seen in movies before kiss. His eyes held strong lust! He wanted Chiamaka so badly, that his temperature had gone high.

Chiamaka turned her gaze else where, "I love you too but it's been a while and things have change. You don't know me! I am not that perfect, loving girl, you use to know. I have done things I re..." Chiamaka tried to finish her statement when Davis, placed two fingers on her lips.

"We all have changed. No one is born to act perfectly. I have always loved you and I will continue to love you for as long as I live. You are the only woman in my heart and no other woman, can take your place." He attempted to kiss her lips and she did not gainstayed.

After they made love, Evans jokely asked, "So who did you give it to?"

Chiamaka pretended not to understand, "What do you mean?" She asked back and prayed Evans would let it slide.

"Don't pretend! You are not a virgin. So you met someone worthy of it? I know, you wanted me to have it on our wedding night." Evans moved his hands from her thighs up to her tommy. They were still naked and he wanted more of her.

They became lovers again, after many years of separation. Chiamaka was excited beyond measures and wished it would remain so for the rest of her life. But she was worried! The fear of telling him what she had become, eclipsed her and drown her into depression. She loved him and was scared to lose him. Alot of thought, swam through her mind, and happiness was limited.

Would he still love her, knowing she had become a prostitute? And when she sees her clients, she would hide or ask Evans to take her else where.

At the hospital, Susan woke up! She turned around, only to spot Nora and Chidinma on a plastic chair, close to her bed. She saw the drip too and let out a sigh.

"The doctor wanted you to gather up enough strength and that was why, we approved you getting drugged. You have been sleeping for three days now. The doctor ensure, you won't die of starvation and that you will only feel very hungry when awake.' Nora stated, as she walked closer to Susan's bed.

"Did he say anything regarding my illness, to you?" Susan asked as she tried to sit up, with Nora's support.

"No, he did not. I am not certain about Chiamaka. She was the one who brought you here and texted us what happened, but did not say what was the cause." Nora answered, honestly.

"I have texted Chiamaka that you are awake. She is at the entrance of the hospital. She wanted to breath a little." Kendra replied.

Kendra was barely around, because she was a baby mama to rich men. She looked like a foreign and her English was well polished. Men would take her along for their in and aboard meetings. Chiamaka wanted to do that as well, because her body and seducing shape was the exact. But she did not want anything that would remind her of child. As the name implies, 'Baby mama', a child will be involved.

Not up to five minutes, Chiamaka walked into the ward and took one of the plastic chairs available. Susan and Chiamaka just kept staring at each other. It was so obvious to the other girls and due to the awkward silence, they excused themselves. They left the two was not talking to each other because of their presence.

"Why are you staring at me in such manner?" Susan asked, still having the feelings that Chiamaka might be aware of her illness. She had specially asked the doctor now to say a word. It was there personal doctor and he still went ahead to tell.

"Why did you not say anything or at least, asked for money? Is not as though you don't have money, you do and i'm sure to add to your amount every month. What did you use the money for?" Chiamaka asked as she frowned at Susan. It annoyed her to know that, her one friend, she tells her all to, could not open up to tell her she dying.

"And how is that your business, what I do with my life is my business, not yours. And oh, so because you do send money to my account every month, that now makes you have authority over me or my private affairs. Anything I do is none of your fucking concern. Do you hear me?" Susan harsh reply was not expected as well.

"Oh, I get it! And I was really concern about your health. At least, you could have alarmed me so I can mind my steps with you and you are quite fortunate that I did not contact with as well. I really can not believe you slept with men as well, even after knowing about it."

"How dare you question me? Or have you forgotten how and where I picked you up from? You had nothing and now, your are acting like a boss. Once I am healthy again, I will show you who the real boss is." Susan spoke in a more harsher tone. And it really got Chiamaka upset.

Without saying anything, Chiamaka sighed and walked out. While she walked away, Susan kept calling her back but she gave deaf ears. The other girls who saw the way Chiamaka walked out, got worried and rushed to check on Susan, only to find her crying.

"I did not mean to be rude to her. I hope she forgives me!" Susan said to the other girls, as they ran into her ward.

To be continued...
And chapters will be dedicated to the most active members. 😏

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