Chapter 50

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Lizzy life style became so bad. She wanted to feel among by joining her friends to parties, clubs and hotels. Sometimes, she would return home drunk and messy. Mrs. Mary got tired of complaining and her father got ill from her bad character.

“Stop bringing shame to this house! Look at your other siblings, do they behave the way you do?” Mr. Matthew said with a frown.

“Why do you care? Shey it is always about your other children nah! You people should leave me oh!” Lizzy answered in a harsh tone and walked out of sight.

“Lizzy, come back here! I say come back here.” Mr. Matthew ordered and began to cough but Lizzy did not pay any attention to him.

“My husband I heard your voice from the room, what is the problem?” Mrs. Mary asked as she ran out to meet her husband who was still coughing.

“You see that daughter of yours called Lizzy, she is useless. Look at her siblings, they are all well behaved!” Mr. Matthew said not knowing Lizzy was behind the house crying.

“My husband, I am sure she will stop. It is just her new stage of joining off with new characters.” Mrs. Mary replied.

Lizzy got worst and had many abortions, which led to her damaged womb. Her last abortion almost took her life and that was when the doctor told her about her womb.

“I am afraid to say this but, with the result so far, I am not certain you can give birth again. The drug you took was too reactive for your body. You lost blood too and that's why i prescripted blood drugs too.” The female doctor said as she removed her glasses and placed them on her table.

“Okay doctor!” Lizzy answered.

Lizzy continued her lifestyle until she met Anthony.

They met in a club and he picked so much interest in her. And soon they got into a serious relationship. Anthony and Lizzy were so in love that Anthony promised to marry her once she finished her University.

On Lizzy's graduation party, he proposed marriage to her and she accepted. Anthony was very rich and so their wedding was a grande one. It was the best day of her life.

Two years after their marriage, no child yet! Anthony was not worried but Lizzy became tensed when Anthony's mother would visit.

“Ah, my daughter, since we married you, my son and you do not want to give me grand children. Did i offend you?” Mama Rose said.

“Mama relax! You did not offend us oh, there is no need to rush nah, it is just two years.” Mr. Anthony answered smoothly.

“I am only trying to remind you that, i am not getting any younger. Or should i not carry my grandchild before i join your father?” Mama rose said.

Mrs. Lizzy's mind began to beat fast and she then thought of what the doctor told her.

“Mama, do not worry!” Mrs Lizzy said with a smile.


The third year came and the pressure was much but Mr. Anthony did not bother his wife or make her feel uncomfortable.

Mrs. Lizzy then met with her friend, Mrs. Stella, who introduced her to Susan.

And she woke up crying, it was like a dream but it was a true life story been played like a movie in her head. Only the thought of everything. The reality of her youthful stage.

Hurray! We reached 50 chapters.
More chapters to come.
My tummy aches right now.
Later, okay?

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