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Chiamaka could not believe Susan knew the whereabouts of her child. What more was Susan hiding from her? She wondered as she kept her gaze at Susan, with a frowned face.

“Susan, tell me all about it! What happened to my child?” Chiamaka spoke in a crocky tone, as tears began to develop.

“Chiamaka, I am deeply sorry! Everyday of my life, I do not regret all the evil acts I have done, especially the one done to my husband but the one I can not   forgive myself, is the one I did to you. I learnt alot from you and I am grateful to have you in my... ” Susan was interrupted by Chiamaka. Curiosity was feeding on her and she needed to satisfy it.

“Please, I beg you with the name of God; if you have any information about my child, just spill it out and stop beating around the bush. I beg of you, what did you do with my child?” Tears rolled down Chiamaka cheeks and she held her head tight as though she could pull it off.

Susan as well, was crying. “Your child is still alive and healthy. I worked as an agent for selling babies. The first time I saw you, was when I dropped off from a taxi close to the dustbin area, you stayed at. At first, I thought you were mad but when I studied you a little, I realize you were normal. You looked so alike with the woman who was desperate for a child. She was barren and her husband have no clue on that, so she needed to pretend to be pregnant, because her husband, wanted to take her to another hospital for check up, to know what the problem might be.

The woman, followed me one evening to see you and when she noticed the resemblance, she accepted you immediately. So all we had to do, was wait for labor to begin, while the woman would play her own part at home. And that faithful night, we got a call from a spy and she came along with a midwife she paid, that would help you deliver safely. After all, I noticed you were bleeding and they left you to die. My conscience held me back! You just laid there unconscious and I felt uneasy.” Susan coughed loud with her tears dripping down to her pillow, “I am sorry, Chiamaka. You are a nice person and I am sorry I was among those who hurt you. I never knew what pushed me to stay behind and watch you deliver, I guess God wanted me to someday, correct my mistake.” Susan pleaded!

Chiamaka raised her head up to look at Susan. Her eyes had turned red already from crying! The one person she had trusted for years, was the one who took her child away.

“What is the gender?” Chiamaka forced the question out of her mouth, in a shaky voice. Her child was taken away even before she would know the gender. For years, she had tried to get necessary information of what really occurred that night but the only thing that weaker her was the fact that she knew not the gender of her lost child.

“A boy! A handsome boy! I visited of recent to know how he was fearing. Your son, is so brilliant and well mannered, just like you!” Susan confessed with a forced smile. She talked as tho she could see the imaginary picture of the boy.

More tears flowed down as Chiamaka, stood up from her seat and wondered around the room. It felt so true to be a lie, Chiamaka thought to herself.

“Tell me where to find him. What is the home address?” Chiamaka asked, while cleaning her tears.

Susan exhaled heavily, “I am not suppose to disclose the whereabouts of the boy, it is against the rules, but if this is the only wrong that I have to make right, so be it! Get me a pen and paper!” She turned her gaze at Chiamaka.

Chiamaka, brought out her phone and handed it to Susan. She did not visit with the things Susan requested. She was scared that if she goes out to get it, Susan might change her mind or even die and she won't get the address again.

Susan gently typed the address while Chiamaka, watched!

“Here is the address! The woman's name is Mrs. Lizzy Joseph.” Susan said to Chiamaka as she returned back the phone.

Chiamaka checked! Susan wrote the address in the phone notebook and Chiamaka quickly saved it to avoid, 'had I know'.

“Okay!” Chiamaka replied drily and stood up to leave.

“I was an orphan like you, Chiamaka. My parents, told me nothing about my relatives. And I was forced by circumstances to get married at the age of seventeen. I...” Susan got interrupted!

“And why are you telling me this, you shameless backstabbing bitch! I thought we were real friends, I thought you were different.” Chiamaka immediately, cleaned the tears that rushed down her chins.

Susan sat up, “Chiamaka, I know you are upset and disappointed. I am sorry! The money you gave to me every month, I never touched a penny and I want you to take it all back. Please forgive me!” Susan pleaded.

“I do not need any money from you. Do you know that day keeps hunting me? Do you know how it caused me to have sleepless nights? I hate you so much right now. You deserve your illness, because you are a heartless soul. I am only grateful to you, for saving my life when those women left me to die.” Chiamaka said in an angry tone and walked out of Susan's ward. She did not dare to even turn back and take a look at Susan. She wanted to cry and needed a private place. She never in her life would suspect Susan!

Chiamaka was a bit excited when she remembered, her son was alive and healthy. But how do she claim him or prove that the boy belongs to her.

Chiamaka entered back into her car. She felt goosebumps! What other surprises does life have to offer? She cleaned her running nose, then texted Davis and he promised to return home as fast as he could. Davis asked her to drive back home and she obeyed. On her way to Davis apartment; tears began to roll down her cheeks. She could not stop her self from crying. Tears formed out of mixed emotions. The one person she took as a sister, was the very one who took her child away and sold him off to God knows who Mrs. Lizzy was. She would jail anyone who would tell her Susan was behind that. What a life!
To be continued...

How is this chapter?
If you were to be in Chiamaka's shoe, what will you do?

This is just so unbelievable! Susan knew where Chiamaka's child had been all this while. Life no balance! 😓 How can she be so heartless? I'm so angry right now!

A pic of Chiamaka below!
The owner of the pic have the right to ask for her pic removed 🙂

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