Chapter 38

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By 3:45pm on the spot, Mr. Mike the family lawyer entered the house and met Mr. Anthony looking devastated.

“Please have a seat!” Mr. Anthony said and handed the envelope to Mr. Mike.

After he read through the letter, he removed his medicated glass and sighed heavily.

“This is a demand letter from a plaintiff fully supported by the court. And the case I fear if strong enough, is a serious one! But how come your wife is involved in Child Abducting? I do not understand!” Mr. Mike said as she cleaned his face with his face towel, he had in his  pocket.

“I do not understand too, but no need to worry! I have called my wife already. She should be home in no time.” Mr. Anthony responded looking tensed, “You said something about Plain...ti...”

Mr. Mike interrupted, “Yes sir, Plaintiff!”

“Do you mind explaining that to me? I do not have any idea about court cases and so on. Not to talk more of child abducting.” Mr. Anthony said and Mr. Mike moved out of his seat half way.

“The party that sues is called Plaintiff, while the party being sued is known as the defendant. At this point, your wife is the defendant. And to be honest, if the Plaintiff have a strong case at this child abducting thing, I fear the case won't be an easy one. We have a very short time to reply this letter, else, the court will give us punishment and it won't be good. This letter is to accept the case or deny it as soon as possible!” Mr. Mike explained.

“If I tell you I am confuse, it would be an understatement. I do not know what to think anymore. It feels more like a joke to me!” Mr. Anthony lamanted and then remembered he have not welcomed his guest properly, “Mercy! Mercy!!”

“Yes sir! I am coming!” Mercy answered as she ran to the sitting room.

“Go and get our guest something!” Mr. Anthony turned to Mr. Mike, “What do you wish to drink? I am sorry, my problems occupied my common reasoning.”

“Oh sir, please it is fine! Mercy you can get me a fruit juice.” Mr. Mike said with a smile.

“Okay sir!” Mercy responded and ran back into the house to get Mr. Anthony the juice he requested for.

“So now, tell me what is our next step to this since you have confirmed it to be original?” Mr. Anthony asked.

“The only step can be taken after your wife must have explained her part to us. She have to be honest so we know what to do and how to pick up the case. But one thing is for sure, we have to reply this letter.” Mr. Mike said, as he focused his gaze at Mercy who walked in with his fruit juice in a glass.

“What is the name of the Plaintiff?” Mr. Anthony asked as he tried to remember the name he saw on the letter.

Mr. Mike who was still holding on to the letter, searched through, “Miss Chiamaka Edoche! Do you know her?” Mr. Mike asked.

“I don't but the Miss, means she is not married nah, so how then is she accusing my wife of child abducting?” Mr. Anthony asked in confusion.

“Your wife will explain better!” Mr. Mike responded after a swallow of the juice.

Another short chapter 😅.

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