Chapter 44

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Mrs. Lizzy went home and could not utter a word about the dream to her husband. The dream was rather a nightmare. It was the worst in all the years and feared, Chiamaka must have been using juju powers to torment her life. After they all had dinner; it was time for the children to sleep, so Judith walked up to Mr. Anthony and whispered, “Mummy looks dull this night!” And he nodded in acceptance. He too had noticed how slow she ate her food.

He noticed how she was trying to act fine but it was still very visible that she was stressed and mentally disturbed. Mr. Anthony knew his wife too well and wished he could help her. She was a stubborn woman but he still wanted her to know he was available if she needed a shoulder. Defending her was not new!

“Judith!” Mrs. Lizzy called out and Judith grinned.

“You know what next to do, right?” Judith nodded and ran off.

Mrs. Lizzy sighed and wanted to walk away.

“The children also noticed what's going on. You really need to try put yourself together. I know it is not easy for you lately, but I am here with you.” Mr. Anthony said and touched his wife's cheeks.

She smiled and nodded like a child. Deep inside her, she doesn't deserve it. Her husband has always been good to her and all she did was to lie to him. She looked straight into his eyes and felt like crying.

“Thank you, honey!” She kissed him and walked out to the kitchen.

She grew up from a very wealthy background and always had what she wanted but at the point after Chiamaka confronted her, she began to feel scared and unsafe. If Chiamaka could find out the child was with her and even tracked her house, then she needed to be careful.

Mr. Anthony retired to their room, while Mrs. Lizzy stayed back to instruct Mercy the house girl what to do and what to prepare for breakfast the following day.

As she walked to their room, she hasted at the front of David's room and tried to peep. David was still awake praying and she wondered who thought him. Of recent, she had noticed weird activities with David and wondered if he was the David she use to know. 

She walked into her room and smiled at the husband. As she laid on the bed, when he made an attempt to touch her, she moved out, “I stink, I should better go take a shower!” She stood up, and entered the bathroom.

“Mr. Mike said he will come over to take some evidence and have some chip chats with you!” Mr. Anthony said it loud enough for her to hear.

She suddenly became bold and brave enough, she knew with all she had, Chiamaka's dreams will never come true.

“Okay, honey!” She answered.

In David's room, he had finished praying and sat on the bed. It felt like something was not right but then, he overlooked his feelings and slept off.

The following day, as said, Mrs. Lizzy did not take the children to school, Mr. Anthony's driver did. Because of how busy Mr. Mike was, he begged the couple to have them in the morning.

Not long after the children went to school, the door bell rang and Mercy was asked to get the door. Mr. Mike walked in and sat down.

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony.” He greeted after sitting down.

“Good morning!” They answered together.

“I am in a hurry! So I will have to have proofs now and be on my way!” Mr. Mike requested.

“What should I bring sir?” Mrs. Lizzy asked with curiousity.

“Birth certificate etc... But if you have other strong proof, you can bring it. Because these days, birth certificate can be forged.” Mr. Mike stated and the couple in front of him nodded.

Mrs. Lizzy left the men and went into the house to search for everything. Luckily, she was the type that keeps things for long. She opened her drawer and saw Judith's documents first. Then she moved it aside and saw that of David. She took out the document that contained his birth certificate, hospital confirmations and his treatments card as a child. She also saw her picture of when she snapped her tommy for David pregnancy. It was a more evidence because she had two pictures; one was that of David and the other was when she was pregnant for Judith. So, she carried everything she knew that was a good proof and came out to the living room.

Immediately Mr. Mike saw her, he looked at the time on his wrist watch and shook his head. Without checking the documents, he packed everything and just then, the pictures of when she was pregnant fell off and Mr. Mike smiled. He checked the date on the pictures.

“Very good Mrs. Lizzy! Only the pictures is good enough.” Mrs. Lizzy had presented her children documents and their pictures. She knew deep down that their target was David but since Chiamaka did not know the name he bears, she could not state it in her demand letter but only wrote child.

Mrs. Lizzy smiled to herself! Mr. Mike left and hurried to his car.

Mr. Anthony smiled at his wife, “Don't worry honey, we will win this case!”

“I know, honey! I am innocent and what I gave Mr. Mike proves it all.” She smiled and stood up, “What do you want to eat?” She asked.

“Anything!” Mr. Anthony replied and she walked into the kitchen.

Chiamaka on the other hand, was still on the bed sleeping when her phone rang. She opened her eyes and stared at the name.

Do you think Mrs. Lizzy is right with her actions? Who will win this case?

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