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At mid night, Chiamaka woke up but did not see Davis on the bed. Even since she loved sex, Davis was the only one who touched her and satisfied her urges. He did not handle her like the others would do. She walked down to the sitting room and found him kneeling down on the ground and with his Bible on the table.

“How can you pray to a God that does not exist?” Chiamaka asked from behind.

The question was unexpected! Davis turned and notice Chiamaka. She was the sweetest creature he have met and he wondered why she asked such, “Why do you think he does not exist? Even Muslims believe in God, but they call him, Allah! So why you?”

Chiamaka walked closer, arranging her night robe, and then, Davis stood up to sit on a sofa. 

“If he was existing like my late parents and most persons I have met claimed, then I would not have suffered all that I did in the past. Every single day, I sang praises to him, I prayed and cried out my heart to him but what did he do? Nothing! Infact, he gave deaf ears to everything and you dare to tell me about him? Like he is existing?” Chiamaka said as tears rolled down from her puffed eyes.

Davis felt saddened by what Chiamaka said but tried his best not to show it, “Do you mind telling me about everything? I mean, your past and why you think God do not exist. I want to know!” He asked.

Chiamaka nodded and began to tell everything, from when she was in a boarding school, to how she was maltreated even by her uncle's family, raped by different men, and about her pregnancy.

“Do you know who among them got you pregnant?” Davis interrupted! If truly Chiamaka was the one, then their love making was something they would regret so much. 

“I was too tender then to know that. I was always been raped like it was a curse, so how would I have known the father. To be honest, sometimes, I think it through, I tend to suspect the pregnancy is the result of my first rape. I have always been seen as a sex toy to men but in your case I don't understand.” Chiamaka kept crying and Davis tried his best to console her. He also got tears in his eyes and his heart ached badly.

“Where is the child? What happened to the child?” Davis asked, still trying to sound okay.

“When I was on labor, two women helped me put to birth and ran away with my child. I was left to bleed to death and that was when I met Susan. I live with Susan now but we had a fight of recent.” Chiamaka replied honestly.

“Okay! Why were you in the pool with everyone staring and not helping out? And when I did, they questioned.” Davis tone, sounded cracked but still he needed to get the slightest information.

“Evans who happens to be my first love, like I earlier stated. I met him of recent and he wanted us to continue our relationship and I agreed, but the truth is, I never told him I am a harlot. That day you saved me, was the day I knew Evans was married to a lady he calls Precious and they have a son together. His wife came there to humiliate me. It's not like I have not be confronted by other men's wives, but it feels different with Evans because I trusted him. She was the one that also pushed me into the pool. If not you, I would have been died weeks ago. Of which I will remain forever grateful. Left for those people, I could have drown.” Chiamaka replied, then cleaned her tears and hugged Davis.

“I'm really sorry about the horrible experiences you have to undergo. I think God sent me that day to save you. I know it hurts so much but I want you to know, even if it seems he is not helping, he cares. He really can not let you struggle what you can not overcome and I am glad I found you.” Davis said and pecked Chiamaka. After knowing everything, he began to hate himself and wished they never made love.

Davis got Chiamaka to kneel with him, and they prayed together. Chiamaka was extremely grateful, as Davis was bring out the best in her. He knew her as a harlot but viewed her as a woman, worthy to be handled with care. Her phone has been switched off, since the day of the pool accident, but she cared less. Davis treated her like a wife and she wished it so for the rest of her life.
To be continued...

I'm loving Chiamaka and Davis, Evans and others should go jare. 😋

Is Chiamaka still working as a harlot? 😥

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