Chapter 56

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“I never knew they had such publicity. But how was life with them?” Chiamaka asked and pretended not to know.

“Haha haha! How can you love in Lagos and not know the popular individuals? Well, leaving with them at first was okay. Mrs. Lizzy was never at home and because of that, David was so into me! So...” Chiamaka interrupted.

“Do you think David is their real child?” Chiamaka asked.

“Well, i do not think so. I once suspected that woman but she is just too tricky! I have stayed with them for about six years and it was so confusing and dramatic. I only enjoyed staying with the little boy and when she had a girl, i became like a mother to them of which got her upset. The children prefers to hang around me than with her. So she asked me to leave and payed me off. Before that, my husband lost his job and started drinking and smoking. I warned him to stop and look for how to earn but he refused and continued of what got me so upset. He should know his responsibility but his friends were bad ones. I tried to get another chance in a hospital or clinic but nothing. So i started working for a phymist and the pay was so small. One day, I was called that something was wrong with my husband, so i hurriedly went to the bar I was told to check on him and to my greatest surprise, he was acting like a mad man. People had already tied his hands and feet.” She paused and noticed Chiamaka's full attention was on her, so she continued, “Since I am a nurse and have some ideas on what to do, i bought some drugs that will help cool his brain and make him paralyze at the moment. Because of his situation, I had to leave my work to always stay at home and ensure he doesn't go out to the street or destroy properties. Everything became hell and no money to cope talk more of paying the children's school fees. I asked them to stop! The landlord, got to know of my husband's problem and my neighbors did not help but also informed him of some things my husband destroyed. So one morning, the landlord came in and asked us to leave. While he was shouting, my husband got furious, picked up a stick and began to flog the landlord so hard that he began to bleed. People gathered and my husband and i were flogged and sent out even without our properties. Now, we roam around streets and feed from remains. I am so sorry about my husband's actions. I was helping the children cross over a big gutter when he ran out of sight.” Mrs. Juliet pleaded and Chiamaka nodded.

“It is fine my dear! So sorry about how life has been rough on you. I guess everyone have a story to tell and a sad one at that. Well, I want your children to resume again but first, you will need an apartment.” Chiamaka said with a smile and walked down to her car. She took out her purse and walked back to the woman. “I think i came out with my cheque book.” Chiamaka added.

Chiamaka was grateful that this woman had helped take care of her son. She got to know his name and was glad. Her son had a nice name! She was happy and it helped her feel her thoughts alittle.

“Madam, what are you saying?” Mrs. Juliet asked, as she watched Chiamaka.

“I do not want you on the street anymore. I do not want that! The street is dangerous for you and your family! This is Lagos and anything can happen and no one can give a better account of the incident. Evil people are everywhere. So please, accept this small money. I have some issues that i wish to clear, so I also need money but i am sure this money will be enough.” Chiamaka said and handed the cheque to the woman.

Mrs. Juliet took it and as soon as her eyes got up with the money, she gave back the cheque like it was a communicable disease.

“Ah, Madam, this is too much oh! I can not accept! Ah, stranger like me that you do not know! Madam it is much oh!” Mrs. Juliet lamented and turned to leave.

“No, please have the money. It is not too much! I am not only giving you this because you need help but because I am somewhat grateful to you!” Chiamaka said and Mrs. Juliet turned.

“What did I do?” Mrs. Juliet asked in a surprised tone.

“Emmmm... You brightened my mood nah! I was sad tho but after hearing yours, i got encouraged!” Chiamaka lied and walked closer to Mrs. Juliet, “Please, accept it and take care of your home. You can get an apartment, take your husband to the hospital for proper treatment, your children can resume school and eat well. You can start up your own phymist shop.” Chiamaka said as she handed the one million naira cheque to her.

“Madam, God bless you!” Mrs. Juliet knelt down but Chiamaka stopped her.

“It is fine dear!” Chiamaka responded and watched as the woman left feeling very excited.

The sky had darkened and she felt the evening breeze through her light material dress. She had money and cars even without a husband but still, she was not happy. After all, money can not buy happiness if not, she would have bribed everyone and get what she wanted but then, the proofs were the main things. How can she bribe life to be fair with her.

Chiamaka let out a deep sigh and entered her car. She felt happy about what she has done and Mrs. Juliet smile never left her mind. She began to wish her problem was like that of the Mrs. Juliet, whose problem was only money. It was hurting!

Chiamaka drove home and slept off. In the night, Patricia returned and entered Chiamaka's room to check on her and then, she noticed Chiamaka's temperature had become high and sweat was on her body.

“Chiamaka! What is the problem? Why is your body so hot?” Patricia asked as she kept touching Chiamaka. But there were no response.

Patricia got scared, ran out and called the maid and gate mate to help her out Chiamaka in a car.

They got to the hospital and Chiamaka was rushed in. Patricia paid for immediate treatment and filled the necessary informations.

“Doctor, how is she now?” Patricia asked with concern written all over her face.

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