Chapter 2

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I returned to the dorm and reported my battle progress to my roommates. And when I told them how I'd taken care of Jungkook, three pillow suddenly flew at me....

The world truly felt like it was becoming more and more tragic. How was it possible that on the home field, in the chemistry school, Jungkook was more popular than Taehyung?

There were four people in our room, and three of them had a messed up sense of beauty. They were all fans of Jungkook, though for their own different reasons.

Minnie liked Jungkook because he was an elite. He was good at studying, and he had good qualities and abilities. I couldn't shake my head enough. She was really living in a fantasy with that reason. They say that Jungkook is more low-key then a ghost. What kind of  qualities and abilities was Minnie seeing?

Rose liked Jungkook because she claimed that he gave off their air of a bottom who appeared unagreeable, but was actually a nice guy. To be honest, before university, I'd never really encountered BL territory. When Rose explained what an unagreeable bottom was, I couldn't help laughing with my hands on my hips. Jungkook was dominated by Taehyung. Hahahaha....So when it came to Rose, I could accept her being a Jungkook fan.

Jennie liked Jungkook because she didn't like Taehyung. If she had to pick on between the two, then she'd choose Jungkook. I had to express my disdain and condemnation for her reasoning!

Naturally, these three insisted that Jungkook was better looking than Kim Taehyung. That left me even more indignant.

Taehyung was 178 cm tall. What about Jungkook? Taehyung had developed muscles. Did Jungkook? Taehyung had good manly voice. Did Jungkook have that? Taehyung have boxy smile and Did Jungkook have that?

With that, all dare claim that Jungkook is more handsome than Taehyung? What about him is handsome?

Everytime I say this, the girls would all chime in unison, "You're the one with weird taste, OK?"

I couldn't just take it laying down, "You're kidding me. You guys are the ones with weird tastes. You, Jennie, who is the one who keep chiming up that they want to keep a pretty boy on the side? And you, Rose, you're like a BL bible. As for you, Minnie. Y-you...."

Minnie rested her chin in her hand and gave an alluring smile. Graceful and collected, she asked, "I what Lili?"

Partly jealous, partly indignant, I shouted, "Your chest is the biggest!"

Minnie, "...."


At this point, I think I should give an introduction to our dorm room.

In Room 127, there reside four happy hoodlum girls. They are Mouse(Minnie), Chipmunk(Rose), Bear(Jennie), and Monkey(Lisa). Of them, I'm the long leg, a nickname forced onto me buy the other girls. As I'm a magnanimous person, I let the name be.

Each of us has things that we're passionate about. Minnie love studying, Rose loves BL, I love money, Jennie love playing. Minnie is the most calm and collected of us. Rose is the most vulgar. Jennie is the most formidable. I'll share their glories and honors later. As for me, I don't have any defining characteristics. I'm a bit lazy, a bit gluttonous, and I'm always short on money. If I had to give myself the title of "most" something, I guess I would be the most unsure of whether to laugh or cry....

This uncertainty exists because I got to a top university, one that I never dreamed of making it into. And at that school, I was mercilessly placed into the chemistry department despite knowing nothing about chemistry, and in fact, having a phobia of it. It's a long story.

I went to an ordinary county high school. It was considered a top high school in the county for the reason that it was the only high school in the county. But placed against all the schools in the province, our school basically ended up gnawing on leftover bones.

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