Chapter 19

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Jungkook calmly clicked through the course listing and said, "This one, this one and this one, also This one. These are better choices. Do you want to pick them?" He turned to consult with me. I guess you could call it a bit democratic.

Oh pleas, that's bullshit. Even if I said I didn't want to take those classes, he'd still pick them anyway, wouldn't he?

Jungkook wasn't the least bit ashamed of his sham of a democracy. He boldly deleted all the electives that I'd previously selected and added the few he suggested. It is true though, that those classes ended up being better choices.

After adjusting my electives list until nothing of the original remained, Jungkook continued on his merry way to change my physical education course as well, from table tennis to regular tennis. He reasoned that table tennis players were very alert and had very fast reflexes, and then....He looked at me with pity and shook his head.

What, was I really that awful?

After he was done with the course selection, Jungkook pulled out a curious little object from his backpack that looked like a flashlight.

I tried to get a look and then asked, "What is it?"

Jungkook replied, "A stun gun. I heard that the campus isn't very safe recently".

Sweat. That was stun gun of legends? It was my first time seeing one. I looked at Jungkook gratefully and said, "Thank you". This guy may be rather devious, but his pros outweighed his cons Old Mr. Marx taught us approach our problem logically.

"No need to than me. Just do a bit better in the future. At the least, don't get angry at me".

I nodded. This counted as the approval and encouragement of a boss to his employee, right? Guess I'd been performing pretty well. As for not getting angry at Jungkook, I found that a bit ridiculous. He was clearly the one intentionally angering me, OK?

I carefully inspected the small stun gun in my hands. I asked Jungkook, "How do you use this?"

Jungkook pointed to it and gestured. "Point it at the enemy and then push the button".

"Like this?" I asked, involuntarily pressing the power button as Jungkook instructed....

In just a second's time, Jungkook collapsed on the desk.

Exams will always be a weapon that tortures student's mind and bodies. I struggled against the tumultuous sea of exams for quite a while until I finally made my way to the peaceful shore. After my last exam, I walked out of the exam room and let out a long and relaxed sigh. Then I got a call from Jungkook.


Jungkook said, "How were your exams?"

I told him, "The physics exam didn't go great. I'm probably not getting the scholarship".

Jungkook replies, "It's better that way".

What. I should have guessed that he'd take joy in my misfortune. I held myself back. Then I said, "I probably won't able to change majors now either". The school had a rule that, if you wanted to change majors, you had to maintain a top-ten position in your original major. My grades wouldn't be good enough.

Jungkook was quiet for a moment, finally saying, "T-That's a same".

Although my exams would not be a source of joy, the days to come were enough to bring me happiness. Because summer break was finally here.

The first order of business for summer break was the practical training project the one with Kim Taehyung. This was truly a rare occasion. Taehyung Oppa, here I come!

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