Chapter 18

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That afternoon, when I returned to my dorm room, I saw Rose in front of the computer, her eyes aglow as her fingers tapped away on the keyboard.

I put down my bag and asked her, "Writing another draft?"

Don't look down on Chipmunk because she been vulgar. She is actually an internet writer, and supposedly, she is pretty-well known on a certain, she is pretty well-known on a certain site. Of course, everything she wrote was about LGBT, BL. I haven't read any of it, and truth to be told, BL territory kind of scared me. One night Rose was watching gay videos in the dorm room. I glanced over and nearly had a breakdown. Rose passionately explained that for ordinary people, the first time they saw gay video with real people could be overwhelming it a few more time....My gosh. It wasn't enough that I vomited once. She wanted me to vomit several times more? Did she take me for a masochist?

But anyway, while I was in awe of BL and LGBT fans, It was Rose who I really admired. I heard that she'd already posted several million characters worth of stories online. I also heard that she couldn't get to sleep the night before the college entrance exams, so she spent all night writing a BL novella which brought her first slew of readers....Her attachment and dedication to writing was something I, as a fickle student, couldn't learn from. Out of curiously, I once asked her, "Rose, what does it feel like writing a chapter?"

To this day, I still remember her plucky reply. "Writing these things is like XXOO2. When you first start out, you're expectant. As you continue posting, you feel excited. And when you finish a story, you feel happy but also kind of hollow".

Minnie and Jennie had been present too. The calm and collected Minnie and the Jennie both seemed dumbfounded by Rose's description. It took them a while to regain their senses, let alone someone like me. After that day, I didn't dare look down on Rose again.

From then on, whenever someone asks us what Rose liked doing, the three of us uniformly replied: She likes XXOO.

OK, I've gone quite off topic. Rose, who I'd thought had been writing a novel, replied, "No, I'm posting on a forum".

"Oh". Of course. A proper geek had to frequent forum boards.

Rose suddenly turned around and explained to me, "You see, a pervert's appeared on the campus".

Just then, Minnie and Jennie returned and overheard Rose's words. Minnie walked over to look at the computer screen. Then she said, "There really is. But are they all the same person?"

I wasn't interested at all. "I'm not worried about perverts. I'm just worried about my finals".

Minnie turned and gave me a pat on the head. My hair was not yet an inch long, but I was still content with it. However short it was, it was better than having on hair.

Minnie said, "Right, you don't have to worry about it. Even if you did, you'd just be worried about female perverts, right?"

Rose agreed, "Lili, you really do look like a young boy right now. One that could cause some to droll a bit...."

I fumed. This was clearly discrimination because of my hairstyle. I knocked Rose's head and said. "You'd droll because you're retarded. That has nothing to do with me".

Rose pushed away my hand and smiled gleefully as she announced, "When it comes to dealing with perverts, I have quite the constructive method".


Rose grabbed her chin and spoke seriously, "Fine some boys as grand as Kim Taehyung to round him!"

The three of us were speechless.

This idea was too out of left-field.


The evening, Jungkook and I continued with our studying. I used to dream of studying with boy I liked, and then while we studied, maybe some sparks or fireworks would show up. But now....Just forget it. Although, there was an advantage to studying with Jungkook, and that was being able to ask him for help. Although we had different majors, this guy had participated in math and physics competitions before, and he'd even won awards. So I could definitely ask him for help with those two subjects. As for my major courses, I only had one 'quantitative analysis' class. Jungkook actually spent an entire day looking through my textbook, and then he was able to help me review. I suspected that he was a spy that the chemistry school sent over to the business school. Other than hating him and feeling envious, I had nothing to say.

But sometimes I wondered, if It were Taehyung studying with me, he would surely be able to help me with my studies too, right? And he'd probably be able to explain things better than Jeon Jungkook....

OK, enough with the idle chit-chat. Back to the studying. Jungkook brought along his laptop to the study room that evening. Jungkook's a showy person, so it wasn't a surprise that his laptop was also an eye-catching white color. I realized that this guy really liked the color white. He usually dressed in a clean, white shirt. With his neat, short hair, he really gave off the illusion of 'I am very pure and kind'. But God knows how truly evil and sinister he is.

Jungkook turned on his laptop and asked me, "What electives are you taking?"

I asked back, "Why are you asking?"

Jungkook pulled up the school's course selection program and sighed in. "Why do you think?"

Sweat. I knew that his evil spirit still lingered. You want to pick the same electives as me, huh? So that I'll have to fill in when they take roll call and I'll have to do your homework, huh? Dream on.

I told him, "I'm not telling you".

Jungkook stared at the computer screen and said calmly, "Don't make me hack your account".

I was speechless.

I felt that Jungkook was tricking me. Well, it wouldn't be the first time. Hahahaha. I can't fall for it every time, right? I decided not to believe him. You're a business management student. OK, maybe you can get away with knowing some match and physics and quantitative analysis, but you can't possibly have that many skills, right?

So then I scoffed, "Go head and hack me then! Tch!"

"Mm, you told me to hack you", Jungkook said. He tapped away on the keyboard a bit, and then he said, "OK, done".

I stared at his computer screen in disbelief R-really....

Jungkook annoying added, "Your username was your student ID number, and your password was the system-generated PIN. You didn't change it....I didn't even have to hack you".

I stared at him with wide eyes. "How did you know my student ID and PIN?"

Jungkook answered, "I have your meal card".

I was pissed.

Jungkook found my schedule and motioned with his hands. "Without even realizing it, you managed to pick all four of the school's hardest electives. Even if you wanted to torture yourself, you didn't have to go to such extremes. Lisa, you're really some kind of genius"

I wiped my sweat and looked at him suspiciously.

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