Chapter 7

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The Environmental Alliance Club would be having its camping event over tha May 1st Labor Day vacation. For thr next half a month, every night at 9pm, we had to gather at the sports field for training. After all, hiking a mountain was a strength-intensive activity. Most of the people involved in the club were doing it in their spare time, so we had to prepared a bit. Even if we couldn't change our physique, the training would allow us to adjust our energy consumption a bit.

The training consisted mainly of long-distance running, with the occasional stair-climbing exercise. My physique was ordinary, neither great nor poor. Though the training wasn't so hard as to be life-endangering, it was still tough. Of course we can't talk about certain inhuman creatures the same way. For example, Jungkook. The guy ran for half an hour straight and he still looked like he was going for a leisurely walk. Sometimes I really suspect that he is a robot.

During training, Jungkook didn't bully me too much. Because he was constantly surrounded by group of girls. Especially when we were running. But the he would speed up, leaving the girls sighing after him as they grew further apart. I felt a sense of success then. So I wasn't the only slow runner after all....

Sometimes Jungkook would pass me and then start running backwards. While he was facing me, he would pull out his phone and, with a bunny smile say, "Lili, smile"

By that time, I was covered in sweat and panting for air. I didn't even have the strength to yell at him, let alone smile.

And without missing a beat, Jungkook would snap a picture of me looking my worst....How dark is that person's mind?


The day before we sat out, we didn't have any training. Instead, we gathered for a small meeting, to remind everyone about the things they should watch out for an our trip. And the Senior Lee announced that there was a slightly troublesome matter to deal with.

There were three groups attending the trip, and they would be based in separate places. Senior Jieun, Jungkook and I were all in the third group. It just so happened that our group had 20 people, seven girl and 13 boys. Those numbers were the key bit here. In both of the other groups, there were an even number of boys and girls. But in our group, we had an odd number of each....It also just happened that the tents we'd be using were all for two people, and our group was allotted ten tents....

In other words, a girl and boy were going to have to share a tent.

Senior Jieun said that she'd tried discussing the tent situation with the club, but it seemed that a lot of people were renting tents for the holiday....Her meaning was that we'd have to deal with the problem by ourselves.

I immediately raised my hand and asked, "Senior Jieun, can we squeeze three people into a tent?"

She shook her head. "That would be a pain for the people in that tent. And besides we're going to be exhausted by night time. If we can't get a good rest, we won't be able to move the next day".

Just then, sitting beside me, Jungkook spoke quietly so that only the two of us could hear. "It can't be that bad. For girls like you, three people could fit into a doubles tent without a problem".

I gave him a strange look and then whispered back. "Why don't you bring that up with Senior Lee?"

Jungkook glanced over at her and then replied. "Can't you tell? She is doing this on purpose".

I looked over at him in astonishment. Slandering my senior? Be careful that I don't sue you!

Seeing this disbelief in my face, Jungkook added, "Otherwise, why is she only bringing it up now? Even if there were other solutions, it's too late now".

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