Chapter 33

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"Hey, Eunha? Well, yeah, didn't you tell must know Long leg, It's Lisa, from your environmental protection club....Don't worry, she looks so good. Right, I think she is a good fit....Yeah, the hair style is also very suitable, just right....What? Wrap her chest? No, no, she doesn't have too much...."

I sat on the sidelines with black lines on my forehead. I resisted the urge to swear at her and continued listening to Rose as she spoke to Eunha.

The two continued their discussion for a long time till Rose finally hung up. After hanging up the phone, she looked at me excitedly: "Hey, Eunha said that she recently met a new student in the philosophy department. He is very handsome and has promised to act in this drama. He will the lead". I was not excited by the news at all, and replied lazily: "Is it?" I don't know how Eunha tricked the Eunha tricked the poor student.

Rose grabbed my hand and continued to talk excitedly, "Originally, I wanted Jungkook to play the role. Although his temperament is more placid than Taehyung, but he is still more than enough to dominate you. How do I do this, both actors will be the main protagonists?"

I shook my head wearily. "Do not worry, Jungkook will not play such a perverted character".

Rose grabbed my collar so hard I yelped with pain, "Lisa, you are the one who is perverted, you are perverted! This is art, you just can't understand!"

I pried her fingers off my collar and said calmly: "Well, actually, Jungkook hates people who try to take advantage of him. If you have the guts, you can go ask him".

Rose was silent.

I knew that Jungkook had a strange ability. He had a good temper and I had seldom seem him get angry. In fact, he was quite cheerful and got along well with others. But there were some things that touched his bottom line and few people would dare to do those things. For example, Rose had been acting arrogantly with me all throughout the day, but when she heard that Jungkook hated the people who tried to take advantage of him, she would never dare mention her proposal to him. That was not true in the case of Taehyung. Even though he had the same temperament as Jungkook, he was often bullied. In fact, Rose used to constantly call him 'Pitcher'. When Taehyung realized what it meant and asked her to stop calling hi that term. But she did not relent. It was only later when Jennie taught Rose a lesson that the bullying stop.

I have been thinking, how insidious did a person need to be to reach Jungkook level!


In the evening, I realized Eunha herself was the director. The two male protagonists of the film (umm....actually I was the heroine, damn it) Were supposed to meet the coffee shop and get to know each other while discussing the specifics of shooting the film. We also invited the producer and screenwriter, which was Rose.

When I saw the legendary handsome young man from the Philosophy department, I was rooted to the spot.

I couldn't believe it! Of all the handsome guys in B University, how could Eunha choose him?

Kang Taehyun saw us and ran to me in surprise. He smiled and asked him, "Lisa, the woman who's playing the other hero is you?"

I pulled Rose in front of me. "Classmate, you have misunderstood. I am the screenwriter, here's your partner".

But Rose spared not a minute's thought before she betrayed me. Taehyun wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He looked pretty pleased. "Lili, don't be shy".

I was really annoyed. I pried his arm off my shoulder and turned to Eunha. "Director can I ask to be replaced or can you get someone else in his place?"

Eunha glared at me, "No".

Due to Taehyun's extreme cooperation and my very visible dissatisfaction, the talks in the evening were neither a success nor a failure. In fact, I didn't deliberately set out to create trouble, but I was not at all comfortable acting as a couple with Kang Taehyun. Irrespective of whether his feelings for me where true or false, he had been interested in me. In fact, even now, it seemed like he was still interested. With this kind of past and present relationship between us, it was inevitable the play acting as a couple would be extremely awkward. I was the kind of person for whom feelings were unambiguous. If I liked someone, It was fine, but If I didn't like someone, I didn't want to have anything to do with them. That person would be better off staying away from me as much as possible.

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