Chapter 49

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Jungkook and I were embracing each other like this for about ten minutes. Then Jungkook let go of me and said, "I should go".

"Go....?So soon?"

Jungkook rubbed my nose and smiled, "Don't want me to leave?"

I lowered my head and didn't say anything.

"I don't want to leave either, but I have a flight this afternoon. If I don't go back, that old man will kill me", Jungkook said, lightly kissing my forehead.

The so-called old man was probably Jungkook's grandfather, but I was a bit puzzled and asked, "You didn't go home before this?"

Jungkook: "I've been in France for the past few days. I just got off the plane this morning".

Me: "And then you came here?"

Jungkook smiled and said. "Yes".

Me: "You traveled for almost ten hours just to see me?"

Jungkook warmly smiled and said: "Yes my Lili".

Suddenly, my eyes welled up, and I sniffled, saying, "Jeon Jungkook, you're really silly".

Jungkook hugged me and chuckled, "I admit it".


I walked Jungkook to the door, and by this time, the group of playful kids had already dispersed. There was a dark SUV parked at the door with a serious look, but the trunk was open and looked a bit comical.

I knocked on the car's window and asked, "Where did you get this car?"

Jungkook: "Borrowed it".

My attention was once again drawn to the emblem on the car, and I didn't recognize this particular brand, which I already knew a few of. So, I curiously asked, "What kind of car is this?"

Jungkook: "It's a Land Rover".

"Oh, I haven't heard of it". I scratched my head and added, " careful on the road".

"Yeah", Jungkook nodded but didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. He just looked at me quietly.

I felt a bit embarrassed, my gaze drifting. and said, "You haven't left yet".

Jungkook reached into his pocket, took out a small bottle, and handed it to me.

The small bottle still carried his warmth, and I held it, asking, "What is this? Nail polish?"

Jungkook smiled and replied, "Perfume".

I opened my hand, carefully inspecting the pink bottle, which was very delicate and had words I couldn't understand on it, all in French.

I pointed to the two largest words on the bottle and asked, "What does this mean?"

Jungkook gently ruffled my hair and said. "First Love".

I blushed and looked down, hesitating for a while before saying, "Well....even though I don't really like perfume, I really like this one".

Jungkook hugged me and whispered in my ear. "That's good you like it".

Then Jungkook hurriedly left, just as he had hurriedly arrived, leaving me standing alone at the door, gazing at the clouds in the sky.

The makeshift SUV quickly disappeared from my sight. I stood at the door like a waiting wife, unwilling to go back for a long time.


The following days passed quickly. Besides being constantly asked by various  little rascals when "Jungkook Hyung will come again", I had a rather enjoyable time. But without seeing Jungkook, I always felt like something was missing. Even thought this guy often called me at any time and in any place, complaining about his lovesickness, and our conversations always ended with his teasing, seeing him in person and hearing his voice were different.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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