Chapter 31

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Jungkook finally had a change of heart and decided to stop torturing me for the last half of the summer vacation. He flew back to Busan. I had heard that his parents were abroad, and only his grand father was living in Busan.

I didn't idle for the rest of the month. Instead I went back to school and attended the welcome ceremony for new students. As a young woman who loved parties and the opportunity to serve people, I could not be as selfish as Jungkook.

The orientation was quite successful, and the new students were quite friendly. The only fly in the ointment was that people always guessed my gender incorrectly. When a group of girls around me screamed, "Oppa, you are so cute", I was dumfounded.

My hair was now about five centimeters long. Because it was soft, I combed it down instead of it sticking up like a prickly pear. Although I looked better, but my hair was still very short, with small bangs. I looked at myself in the mirror. Sometimes even I had the illusion that the face in the mirror was that of a boy. Moreover, the uniform we were issue included a loose t shirt. My modal 'max A cup' had no advantage in this kind of clothing. It was easy for people to ignore it when they saw it.

After a few days, I was numbed to people calling me 'Oppa'. I was able to calmly face their remarks. When someone waved and told me, "This Oppa is really handsome", I usually smiled calmly and said "thank you" to them.

But when someone identified my gender correctly, I was so moved that I was almost in tears.

I had just gone to the girls dormitory that day. When I walked back to the campus, I was feeling hot and tired. So I used Jungkook's card to buy myself a box of cold iced yoghurt and was drinking it.

When I passed a blue sports car, I was a bit surprised. I didn't know who was so connected as to be able to bring a car to the campus area. I wanted to point out to the sign that said, "No cars allowed".

As I was thinking about it, I saw the door opening and stopped. Someone came down from the car. As I saw this person, I suddenly had a feeling of empathy.

This was because his hair was very short, cut very close to his scalp. This reminded me of myself a few month ago, and my eyes were a bit damp.

The man walked with long legs towards me. Then he stood still, smiled in a friendly manner and asked, "Excuse me Madam, Could you direct me to where the new students are supposed to report?"

I looked at him, dumbfounded, and didn't speak.

He was quite surprised, "Senior? Teacher?"

"Oh", I gulped and asked him with surprise. "How did you realize I was a woman at a glance?"

He snorted and immediately answered with a smile: "My eyes are good at discovering beautiful woman".

This sentence made me very happy, so I decided to take him to the scene personally.

He turned and pulled out a suitcase from the car. He started dragging the suitcase as he followed me. I was a bit surprised. As we walked, I asked him, "If you can drive a car till here, why don't you know where you need to report?"

He frowned and replied: "I wanted to get ride of the guy in the car".

I didn't understand, "The guy in the car?"

He explained: "The driver".

I turned to look at his sports car again. I really could not spot another person inside.

He murmured wryly: "What do you think of my car?"

I nodded my head and said: "Awesome".

He smiled and said: "What did you like about it?"

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