Chapter 26

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Jungkook's appearance was very deceptive, he could easily charm most people. So after a while, our female squad leader in high school sat next to him and started to chat with him. The two of them kept looking at me from time to time,  so I lost my appetite. After a few minutes, she came over to the teacher's table with Jungkook and introduced him, "This is Lisa's classmate Jeon Jungkook. He came with her".

I fumed in silence, the heck he came with me!

Jungkook respectfully bowed and said hello. As it turned out, no one looked down on the unwelcome addition. Our class teacher looked up and down for a while and even asked the waiter to get a chair and asked Jungkook to sit next to her. So this 'successful student' was squeezed next to her.

I whispered to Jungkook in dissatisfaction, "Why are you here?"

He smiled and said, "It was boring. I came to join the fun".

Ha! You came here to create chaos, I told myself. I asked him again, "How did you reach here? I didn't see you in the bus".

Jungkook answered, "I rented a car".

I suddenly remembered. When we were coming, the bus was being followed by a red minivan. When the bus stopped so did the car. I noticed it, joking with Jaehyun that this year, we had pulled all stops. The bus was even accompanied by a car for emergency purpose. I hadn't thought too much about it then.

Jungkook would have made such a great spy!

I looked around and saw many people looking towards us. Their gazes were curious. In short, Jungkook and I were being misunderstood. But most importantly, I did not know how to explain anything to anyone. Since no one asked me, If I went ahead and explained, it would seem like 'the lady doth protest to much'. Yet If I didn't attempt to explain, I would feel awkward.

Finally I decided to leave it be. Anyway I was often misunderstood, and I didn't care anymore.

So I started eating happily. The class teacher found Jungkook very interesting and asked him a long list of questions, encompassing everything. She also said many polite things like, "Lisa can survive at school because of your care". What the heck! I was the one who was taking care of his meals, his clothes....I was being oppressed!

In any class reunion, the most indispensable item was drinking. Usually, I was the first to get drunk. Not because I loved drinking but because I had very low tolerance for alcohol. Even If I drank one cup, I would become dizzy. If I had tow, I would become numb. And if I had more than that, my brain would go on strike. So whenever I went for dinner, I usually avoided alcohol. But this was the class reunion. All of us had met almost after a year. So if I still said no to the drinks, it would seem a bit too much. In a way, it was still ok to say no your classmates but when Teacher asked you to drink a glass, you would only be considered disrespectful to turn down the invitation.

I took a glass of wine and looked at Jungkook who was happily chatting. I suddenly felt irritated and courageous. Well, Jungkook, you did this to yourself, don't blame me. So I handed the glass to him and said, "Drink a glass with me".

Jungkook was quite clear. He took the glass and drank it. After drinking, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me. Then his tongue darted out and licked his lips, tasting the last dregs of wine. The expression in his eyes was ambiguous, and his lips were wet. With that kind of look, was it a wonder hoe enchanting he seems?

I coughed and whispered, "Can you help me avoid the toasts?"

He smiled, "Why would I want to help you?"

I bite my lips and answered with a distressed heart, "How about If I waived two days worth of room rent and food?"

He smiled and shook his head, "Not interested. Do you think I lack of money?"

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