Chapter 28

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I was sitting in the living room and eating watermelon as I thought about my strategy ridicule Jungkook's little brother.

To be honest, I had occasionally looked at adult videos, but had never seen a real, naked adult male. I didn't really know whether I could laugh at a man's part. What I had seen in those videos was quite ugly.

As I was mulling over this, my dad came back. He had two bitter gourds in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Let's have bitter gourd for lunch and give little Jungkook some. Yesterday. he had a nose bleed".

I gritted my teeth and said, "That's good. I hope his blood flows into the river".

My dad shook his head and sighed, "You really hate him! I think the child is very good".

I was speechless. It seemed that Jungkook had charmed my father. I had known Jungkook for some time now, So I knew what this was his special ability. He could always make very single person like him. This was like an immutable demon law.

Of course, I was an especially determined person and would not be charmed by him.


In the evening, Jungkook was taking a shower. Although he had locked the door to the bathroom, the window was open to aid ventilation. Of course, the curtain was pulled. I sneaked in front of the window and pushed back the curtain. Jungkook was facing the windows. When he saw the curtains being parted, he was shocked!

I quickly glanced at the lowered body of Jungkook and then looked up. Because I had done this too fast, I had not been able to see anything clearly. Please don't ask me why I did it this way. For some reason I was very scared. I was a pure and innocent girl. Even though I really did want to see it, I didn't have the guts to stare at someone's private parts while he was having a bath.

Jungkook was stunned and asked me "What are you doing?"

My eyes fluttered. Feigning courage I did not have, I laughed loudly and said, "It's so ugly!" Then I calmly waited for Jungkook to explode.

But Jungkook did not react either violently or sadly like I expected. He just turned his head slightly and looked at me in confusion, "What?"

I went back to the room and sent Minnie a text message, "I told him, but he reacted strangely!"

Minnie quickly replied, "What did you tell him exactly?"

I said, "It's so ugly!"

Minnie rebuked me, "Stupid! How many times have I told you that the key here is the size, not the aesthetics!"

I was dumbfounded, "So what do I do now?"

Minnie: "You tell him, Oh! Your is so small....even smaller than a pencil battery. I can even see it unless I really look closely. You must be a natural eunuch".

I was clearer now, "Ok, I will try".

I was just about to embark on my conquest when there was a knock on the door. I standing at the door. His hair was still wet, and his body damp. His expression was a little mischievous. When I opened the door, he walked into the room and then closed the door. Then he crossed his arms across his chest and looked at me with his brows raised, "You told me, It is ugly. What is ugly?"

Inexplicably, I was assailed by a guilty conscience. "I was wrong. You are not ugly".

"Ok!" Jungkook nodded with satisfaction, "So why did you peek at me in the shower? What did you want to see?"

I took a step back and sighed, "What I really wanted to say was, Jungkook, your little brother is so small!"

Jungkook's face sank. He took two steps towards me, "What are you talking about?"

I stepped back. "I said that your d**** is so small, smaller than a pencil battery. I can't even see it unless I look carefully".

He took another step forward, getting closer and closer to me. His eyes flashed slightly. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and his mouth curved slightly, "Did you look carefully? Are you sure you saw it clearly?"

Suddenly, I felt nervous. I stuttered in replay, "I did see it clearly. You are a natural eunuch!"

Jungkook continued to approach me. I couldn't help step back and was forced into a corner. Jungkook raised an arm to support himself against the wall. I was trapped in the small space. He lowered his head so that his face was very close to mind, suddenly, I felt an invisible pressure building on me, and I was having difficulty breathing. I lowered my head and said nervously, "What are you trying to do...."

With his face tilted slightly to the side, he sighed in my ear, "How small it you want  to use a ruler to measure it?"

I stiffened. I did not expect this guy to be brazen enough to come up with such a trick, "No, No, No, No!"

"Why don't you do that? must have the spirit of research!" Jungkook said, as he lowered his arm. Then he held the hem of the to shirt, pulling it up with one hand, while the other hand went to the waistband of his shorts.

I was shocked. "What are you doing?"

Jungkook lowered his head and replied "What else would I be doing? I am just going to get my little brother measured. Ok, first, you can just feel it clearly".

As he said this, he unbuttoned the shorts and pulled the zipper open.

In a flash, I grabbed his hand tightly, "No, I really don't...."

Jungkook did not try to free his arm. He looked up at me coldly, "Lisa, I am not a gentleman. If you force again and again, I will not hold back".

Oh god! Who ever said that you were a good person and a gentleman? But I was in no mood to point this out to him. I just kept a tight hold on his hand and argued pitifully, "I was wrong Jungkook".

Jungkook smiled slightly, "Where were you wrong!"

I replied in an instant, "I should not have peeked at you".

Jungkook was obviously not satisfied with the answer, "And?"

I continued, "And...."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and looked at me, "Not small?"

I was literally at the end of my rope, "It's big. It's very big".

Jungkook pulled his hand out my grip.

This time, he lifted both his arms and placed it against the wall. Then he leaned forward, imprisoning me in the circle of his arms. I was finding it difficult breathing now. With one hand, gently stroked my cheek, "Lisa, you are really naughty".

I was speechless. Right there and then, I was ready to murder him.

As I stood dumbfounded, he gently stroked my hair and continued, "If you haven't seen it clearly, you can't have an opinion. If you want to understand the size, you will understand it once you personally experience it". Then he walked away.

I sat alone in the corner, crying tearlessly, asking the heavens way I was being the recipient of such shameful suggestions. And yet Jungkook had called himself a gentleman.

Before going to be at night, I received a text message from Rose second. "I forgot to tell you may be some unintended consequences".

I had the urge to murder someone else again. But I learnt a valuable lesson. You can't tease hooligans unless you want to court a painful death.

And I also learnt that Minnie is not a reliable ally.

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