Chapter 3

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I suspected that Jungkook's eyes had a problem. The whole situation really affected my mental condition before the competition. Not only wasn't he ashamed, he arrogantly said, "Taehyung thinks the same".

I turned to Taehyung pitifully. No, no, it can't be. Taehyung is my idol. He would never act that way!

Taehyung looked at me a bit embarrassed. He laughed it off and said. "That....your your hairstyle is really something hehe".

I wanted to cry, but there no tears. Senior Kim, must you be so honest? You can't even tell a white lie....?

Just then, Jungkook said, "Hairstyle? She doesn't even have hair. What kind of style could there be?"

I....if not for maintaining my poise in front of Kim Taehyung, I'd have socked him already!


After Jungkook's disturbance, I performed really poorly during the morning preliminaries. I only just barely slipped my way into the finals. I realized thought that most of the girls who were participating before. There were only a couple who showed some skills.

In the afternoon, my girls actually came to cheer me on. I was touched.

As the women's finals proceeded, the boys rested on the sidelines. My turn came, and I held the basketball in my hands and looked over at Taehyung, hoping to gain some loving encouragement. Then I saw Jungkook jog over and sit down next to Taehyung. He looked over the court with a smile, as if he was going to watch me make a fool myself.

I glared at him and then turned to make my shot. The basketball gave me much face. After it circled the rim, it fell into the hoop.

Jennie laughed and even gave a whistle, she shouted, "Monkey Lili, not bad!"

Her shout wasn't super loud, but definitely loud enough for me to hear. Because she stood closer to the judges though, I suspected....Tae probably heard as well?

So embarrassing! Nini, how am I supposed to endure this now....?

I picked up my messy emotions and continued with my shots. The rest of my performance was passable. I was unable to put forth my best, but it wasn't horrible.

When I finished, I didn't dare look at Taehyung. I hardened my skin and dragged my roommates out for ice cream. We sat near the sports field and waited for the results.

I licked at the chocolate on my ice cream while I idiotically stared at Kim Taehyung in the distance. He was seriously watching each competitor and giving them points....A man working seriously is so handsome!

Minnie waved her hand in front of my face. With less then kind intentions, she asked, "What are you looking at?"

Before I could answer, Jennie cut in, "Monkey is looking at  alien".

Upset, I grabbed her ice cream from her hand and shouted, "I warning you! Don't ever call me Monkey Lili in front of Taehyung! And you, you guys!"

Rose stared into the distance towards Taehyung's friend at his side, Jungkook. she said, "Monkey, forget it. Taehyung belongs to Jungkook. Look how close they are. You don't stand a chance!"

I snatched Rose's ice cream away from her as well "Are you sure you guys came to cheer me on today?" Then I remembered there was still Minnie. I turned to give her a warning glare. She didn't say much, but when she did say something, I could rarely refute it.

Just then, Minnie raised her ice cream in the air. She looked up and gave an exasperated sigh. Then she looked back at her ice cream and said, "I don't talk when I'm eating".

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